Configure Transaction Taxes

You can view the calculated transaction tax lines on the Fiscal Document page before you extract the tax information in the fiscal document extract file.

In Brazil, taxes such as IPI, ICMS, PIS, COFINS, and ISS are configured as transaction taxes in Oracle ERP Cloud. Since transaction taxes must be reported on the fiscal document that is sent to the tax authority for approval, they are calculated on Receivables invoices and Shipment transactions prior to the generation of the fiscal document.

You can configure these fiscal classifications as tax reporting types:

  • IPI Legal framework codes
  • PIS CST codes
  • COFINS CST codes
  • ICMS CST codes
  • IPI CST codes
  • ICMS taxable basis determination codes
  • ICMS-ST taxable basis determination codes
  • ICMS exemption condition codes
  • ISS applicability codes

Configure the tax reporting types and tax reporting codes and associate them with the tax configuration to represent different tax situations. Tax reporting types and tax reporting codes are extracted into the fiscal document extract file along with the other fiscal document information.