Define Tax Authority Time Controls

You can define time controls for each tax authority. Before defining the time controls, you must define a tax authority party tax profile using the Manage Legal Authorities task.

The Manage Fiscal Document Generation page uses the time controls configuration. When you click the Void Fiscal Document or Cancel Fiscal Document button, the corresponding action is allowed only if it is within the configured period of time.

Follow these steps:

  1. Configure the time controls for the tax authority. Follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to Manage Document Sequence Categories task.
    2. Click New.
    3. Select the application as Receivables.
    4. Enter a category code and a category name.
    5. Select the module as Receivables.
    6. Enter RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL as the table.
    7. Provide a description for the sequence category.
    8. Click Save and Close.
  2. Define the SEFAZ tax authority for the legal reporting unit. Follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the Manage Party Tax Profiles task.
    2. Search for Tax Authority Tax Profiles.
    3. Enter the name of the tax authority.
    4. Click Search.
    5. Select the tax authority tax profile record.
    6. Click Edit. The Edit Tax Authority Tax Profile page opens.
    7. Select the country as Brazil. This displays the Document Time Controls section.
    8. Click Add Row.
    9. In the Document Control Type field, select the action to be controlled according to time limits, like void or cancel fiscal document.
    10. In the Time Limit field, enter the time limit.
    11. In the Units field, select Hours, Days, Months, or Next month as the time unit.
    12. Enter a start date.
    13. Select Enabled.
    14. Click Save and Close.
      Note: Define a time limit control based on the day of the month by using Next Month as a unit. For example, to allow voiding a fiscal document only until the 10th day of the next month:
    15. Select Void as the document control type.
    16. Enter 10 as the time limit.
    17. Select Next Month as the unit.
      Each legal reporting unit that generates fiscal documents must have a corresponding tax authority associated with the legal reporting unit tax registration. For the legal reporting unit, the state inscription number (IE) and municipal inscription number (IM) must be defined earlier.
  3. Define the city tax authority for the legal reporting unit. Follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the Manage Tax Registrations task.
    2. Search for Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profiles.
    3. In the Search section, search for the legal reporting unit.
    4. On the Tax Registrations tab, select the record corresponding to municipal inscription number of this legal reporting unit.
    5. Click Edit.
    6. On the Edit Legal Reporting Unit Tax Registration page, for the Reporting Tax Authority field, select the reporting tax authority. This should be the same legal authority defined previously to represent the city tax authority.
    7. Click Save and Close.

    For more information on the state inscription number (IE), municipal inscription number (IM), and configuring tax registrations in Brazil, see the Quick Reference for Oracle ERP Cloud Documentation for Brazil (2329725.1) on My Oracle Support at

    For more information on document sequence categories and document sequences, see the Implementing Common Features for Oracle Financials Cloud guide at