How Taxes on Complementary Fiscal Documents Are Calculated

You'll learn how taxes are calculated on complementary fiscal documents in this section.

If there is any discrepancy (in price, quantity, or tax) in the fiscal document, the supplier issues a complementary fiscal document for rectifying it. The Manage Fiscal Document page captures this action as in any regular fiscal document.

The Fiscal Document Tax Amount attribute captures the tax amount notified on the fiscal document and the Tax Amount attribute captures the amount calculated based on the tax setup.

This table provides how taxes for different types of imported complementary fiscal documents occur within these attributes.

Document Type

Tax Treatment

Complementary Fiscal Document for Quantity Correction

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = <Notified Value>

Tax Amount = <Calculated Value>

Fiscal document goes on hold if their difference is beyond tolerance limit.

Complementary Fiscal Document for Price Correction

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = <Notified Value>

Tax Amount = <Fiscal Document Tax Amount>

Complementary Fiscal Document for Tax Correction

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = <Notified Value>

Tax Amount = <Fiscal Document Tax Amount>

When complementary fiscal documents involve price or tax corrections, the tax amount notified in the fiscal document is also taken as the calculated tax amount, as the transaction information is not sufficient for calculating tax. When such fiscal documents are received in physical format, you need to enter the tax details manually.