How Taxes on Fiscal Documents Are Calculated

Fiscal documents issued by suppliers are validated by the tax authority. So, taxes applied on it are treated as source of truth for accounting and reporting purposes.

During fiscal document capture and processing, taxes are additionally calculated based on tax setup, compared with the supplier notified taxes and a hold is placed if their difference is beyond tolerance limits. This hold prompts for either rectification of tax setup (if calculated taxes are incorrect) or for pursuing with the supplier to issue a complementary fiscal document (if supplier notified taxes are incorrect).

Use the Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options page to specify the tolerance limits for the difference between fiscal document taxes and calculated taxes. You can use fiscal document capture as the application name.

On the Manage Fiscal Document page, the tax amount notified on the fiscal document is captured in the Fiscal Document Tax Amount field and the tax amount calculated according to tax setup is displayed in the Tax Amount field.

These table provides the tax handling approach on an XML imported fiscal document for various scenarios involving these two attributes:


Tax Treatment

Tax is notified on the fiscal document and the same is applicable based on tax setup.

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = <Notified Value>

Tax Amount= <Calculated Value>

Fiscal document goes on hold if their difference is beyond tolerance limit.

Tax is notified on the fiscal document, but it is not applicable based on tax setup.

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = <Notified Value>

Tax Amount= 0.00

Fiscal document goes on hold.

Tax is not notified on the fiscal document, but it is applicable based on tax setup.

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = 0.00

Tax Amount= <Calculated Value>

Fiscal document goes on hold.

Updates are made to the calculated tax amount

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = <Notified Value>

Tax Amount= <Updated Value>

Fiscal document goes on hold if their difference is beyond tolerance limit.

Manual tax line is created

Fiscal Document Tax Amount = 0.00

Tax Amount= <Input Value>

Fiscal document goes on hold.

If a fiscal document is received in a physical format, then it is manually entered through the Manage Fiscal Documents page.

When you click the Calculate Tax or Validate Fiscal Document buttons, taxes are calculated according to the tax setup. Both the Fiscal Document Tax Amount and Tax Amount attributes display the calculated value, you can review and correct fiscal document tax amount, if required.

You cannot update the tax information on the fiscal document when the status is Completed Prevalidation.

Regardless of the mode of fiscal document creation, only the taxes captured into Fiscal Document Tax Amount are processed to downstream transactions.