How You Cancel or Void a Fiscal Document

You can void a fiscal document if you want to report to the tax authority that the fiscal document number will not be used.

However, this can be done only after the fiscal document is generated and before it is approved by the tax authority. Use the Void Fiscal Document button on the Manage Fiscal Document Generation page to void a fiscal document.

When a fiscal document is validated and approved by the tax authority, but the goods or services are no longer intended to be provided or shipped, you can cancel the fiscal document. Use the Cancel Fiscal Document button on the Manage Fiscal Document Generation page to cancel a fiscal document.

Provide a valid reason to void or cancel a fiscal document. The reason must be notified to the tax authority. A fiscal document can be considered as canceled or voided only after confirmation from the tax authority. When the tax authority does not approve the cancellation or voiding of a fiscal document, the status of the fiscal document is changed back to Approved or Generated.

Note: You can void or cancel a fiscal document within a defined time limit. The time limit within which you can cancel or void a fiscal document is specified by each tax authority. Use the Party Tax Profile page to set the time limit.