Overview of the Journals Region

Some of your unposted journals might require updating or approval before they can be posted. You can review these journals in the Journals region. You get to the region from both the General Accounting Dashboard and the Journals work areas.

Here's how the journals are categorized.


What It Shows

Requiring Attention

Journal batches that failed to post and journal batches that were submitted for approval and rejected. You can review the reasons why the journal didn't post and select the journal to review it in the Edit Journal page. You can also select journals that were rejected for approval to review them in the Edit Journal page where you can request approval.


Journal batches that were saved, but not yet completed. You can set the journals to complete or select the journal to review it in the Edit Journal page.

Import Errors

Journal batches that couldn't be imported. You can select the process ID to open the Correct Journal Import Data spreadsheet. From the spreadsheet you can review the error details, make corrections, and reupload the journals.

To review journals in the process of being approved, select the Manage Approvals task from either the General Accounting Dashboard or the Journals work areas.

Here's how those journals are categorized.


What It Shows

Requiring My Approval

Journal batches that were submitted to you for approval. You can approve or reject them, or select the journal to review it in the Edit Journal page, where you can also approve or reject.

Pending Approval from Others

Journal batches that you submitted for approval with the name of the current approver. You can optionally withdraw the journal from approval.