Predefined Journal Approval Participants and Attributes

You can use BPM Worklist to configure journal approval rules.

Open the Worklist application by selecting the Notifications icon on the home page and clicking More Details or, by using the following in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Financials

  • Functional Area: Application Extensions

  • Task: Manage Task Configurations for Financials

The name of the journal approval workflow task is FinGlJournalApproval.


Assignees, also called participants, are users or a set of users that an approval request is routed to. There are four types of assignees.

  • Single: Maps to a user, group, or role. Select this type if the approval request requires only a single user to approve. When the request is sent to a group or to an application role, all of the users within that group or that carry that application role receive the notification, but only one user's approval is required.

  • Parallel: Indicates that a set of people work in parallel and that everyone's approval is required. For example, a journal batch affects multiple lines of business and requires approval from the controllers for each line of business. The controllers can approve the journal batch in parallel.

  • Serial: Indicates that a set of users must work in sequence. The most common scenario is supervisory chain approval, which is done by specifying that the list is based on a supervisory chain.

  • FYI: Maps to a single user, group, or role, just as the Single assignee type. However, this type of assignee just receives a notification, and the business process doesn't wait for the assignee's response. FYI assignees can't directly impact the outcome of a task, but in some cases can provide comments or add attachments.

The journal approval workflow task contains three assignees (participants) with a type of Single, Serial, and Parallel, each. These three predefined assignees are arranged in the parallel mode. Assignees can be arranged in parallel or sequential mode. For assignees in parallel mode, a task is assigned and notifications are sent to all of the assignees at once in parallel. For assignees in sequential mode, a task is assigned and notifications are sent in a sequential manner, meaning one after another, to each assignee.

You can select to use any one, or combination of, the three assignees. You can delete them, or add new ones as needed. The Serial type assignee has a predefined journal approval rule based on the requester's supervisory hierarchy. If a ledger and journal source are enabled for approval, the predefined journal approval rule sends a journal belonging to that ledger and source to the requester's manager for approval.


The tables in this section list the objects and attributes that appear in the Condition Browser window in the Worklist application.

The following table describes the attributes for the Journal Batch object.



Accounting Period Type

Name of the accounting calendar.

Batch Type Indicator

Indicator for the type of amounts that the batch contains. Valid values are A or E, representing the following respective types: Actual and Encumbrance.

Approval Status

Approval status of the journal batch. Valid values are A, I, J, V, R, or Z, representing the following respective statuses: Approved, In Process, Rejected, Validation Error, Required, and Not Required.

For Oracle internal use only.

Approver Employee ID

Internal identifier of the employee who submitted the batch for approval. For Oracle internal use only.

Average Balance Journal Indicator

Indicator for whether the journal is an average balance journal. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Batch Amount

Amount of the journal batch.

Budgetary Control Status

Not currently used.


Reference to the Calendar object. For Oracle internal use only.

Chart of Accounts ID

Internal identifier of the chart of accounts.

Control Total

Control total of the journal batch.

Created By

Sign in name of the user who created the journal batch.

Creation Date and Time

Date and time when the journal batch was created.

Creation Date

Date when the journal batch was created. For Oracle internal use only.

Default Accounting Date

Internal default accounting date. For Oracle internal use only.

Accounting Period Name

Accounting period of the journal batch.


Description of the journal batch.

Earliest Postable Date

For Oracle internal use only.

Group ID

Internal identifier of the interface group. For Oracle internal use only.

Batch ID

Internal identifier of the journal batch. For Oracle internal use only.


Internal identifier of the journal source. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Batch Ledger

Reference to the Journal Batch Ledger object. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Batch Source

Reference to the Journal Batch Source object. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Header

Reference to the Journal Header object. For Oracle internal use only.

Last Updated Date

Date when the journal batch was last updated.

Last Updated Login

For Oracle internal use only.

Last Updated By

Sign in name of the user who last updated the batch.

Lookup Code

For Oracle internal use only.

Lookup Type

For Oracle internal use only.

Maximum Amount Journal

Reference to the Maximum Amount Journal object. For Oracle internal use only.

Maximum Journal Line Amount

Reference to the Maximum Journal Line Amount object. For Oracle internal use only.

Batch Type

Full text value for the Batch Type Indicator attribute. Valid values are Actual or Encumbrance.


Name of the journal batch.

Object Version Number

For Oracle internal use only.

Packet ID

For Oracle internal use only.

Parent Batch ID

For Oracle internal use only.


Reference to the Period object. For Oracle internal use only.

Accounting Period Set Name

Accounting calendar name for the accounting period.

Posted Date

For Oracle internal use only.

Posting Run ID

Internal identifier. For Oracle internal use only.

Request ID

Internal identifier. For Oracle internal use only.

Accounted Running Total Credit

Total accounted credit amount of the journal batch.

Accounting Running Total Debit

Total accounted debit amount of the journal batch.

Entered Running Total Credit

Total entered credit amount of the journal batch.

Entered Running Total Debit

Total entered debit amount of the journal batch.


Status of the journal batch. Valid values are u, U, S, I, or P, representing the following respective statuses: Incomplete, Unposted, Selected for Posting, Processing, and Posted.

Status Verified by Posting Indicator

Indicator for whether the status of the journal batch has been verified. Valid values are Y and N, representing Yes and No. For Oracle internal use only.

Submitted Period

Reference to the Submitted Period object. For Oracle internal use only.

Not Reserved Packet ID

For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Batch Creator

Reference to the Journal Batch Creator object. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Batch Approval Requester

Reference to the Journal Batch Approval Requester object. For Oracle internal use only.

Funds Status

Budgetary control status for the batch. A list of valid values can be found in the lookup type XCC_BC_FUNDS_STATUSES. For example, RESERVED_PARTIAL or RESERVED_PASSED, representing Partially reserved and Reserved.

Chart of Accounts Code

The chart of account structure code used to record transactions and maintain account balances.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition 1

Structure definition of the Journal Batches descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 10

Segments of the Journal Batches descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Journal Batch Ledger object.



Batch ID

Internal identifier of the journal batch. For Oracle internal use only.


Currency of the ledger. For example USD or EUR.

Ledger Category Code

Category of the ledger. Valid values are SECONDARY, PRIMARY, NONE, and ALC, representing the following respective categories: Secondary Ledger, Primary Ledger, None, and Reporting Currency.

Ledger Enabled for Journal Approvals Indicator

Indicator for whether approval is enabled for the ledger. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Ledger ID

Internal identifier of the ledger.

Ledger Name

Name of the ledger.


For Oracle internal use only.

Period Set Name

Internal name for the accounting calendar, which is the original calendar name that a user entered. For Oracle internal use only.

Primary Ledger Currency

Ledger currency defined for the primary ledger. For example, USD or EUR.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition

Structure definition of the Ledgers descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 15

Segments 1 through 15 of the Ledgers descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Journal Batch Source object.



Journal Source ID

Internal identifier of the journal source. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Reference Indicator

Indicates whether journal import saves the references to the subledger transactions. Saved references let you drill from a general ledger journal to the subledger transaction. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Override Edits Indicator

Indicator for whether a user can update the journal that has the journal source. Valid values are Y, N, or P, representing Yes, No, and Partial, respectively.


Identifies whether the source for the batch is a subledger application. Valid values are SLA or Non-SLA, representing subledger accounting and nonsubledger accounting, respectively.

Journal Source Name

User-defined name for the journal source.

Source Key

Unique identifier for a journal source.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 5

Segments 1 through 5 of the Journal Sources descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Journal Calendar object.



Calendar ID

Internal identifier of the accounting calendar. For Oracle internal use only.

Period Set ID

Internal identifier. For Oracle internal use only.

Period Set Name

Name of the accounting calendar when first created. If the calendar name is later changed in the user interface, this original name remains stored internally as a unique identifier. For Oracle internal use only.

Period Type

Internally generated value based on period frequency of the accounting calendar. For Oracle internal use only.

Period Type ID

Internal identifier of the period type. For Oracle internal use only.

User Period Set Name

Current name of the accounting calendar.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition

Structure definition of the Calendars descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 5

Segments 1 through 5 of the Calendars descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Journal Category object.



Category ID

Internal identifier of the journal category. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Category Name

Translated name of the journal category. Might not uniquely identify a category in an approval rule. Varies depending on a user's language setting.

Category Key

User-defined category key that uniquely identifies the category.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition

Structure definition of the Journal Categories descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 5

Segments 1 through 5 of the Journal Categories descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Journal Header object.



Reversed Journal Indicator

Indicator for whether the journal was reversed. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Accounted Currency

Currency of the ledger. For example, USD or EUR.

Accounting Date

Accounting date of the journal.

Batch ID

Internal identifier of the journal batch. For Oracle internal use only.


Internal identifier of the journal category. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal from Subledger Indicator

Indicator for whether the journal was created through subledger accounting. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Header ID

Internal identifier of the journal. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Header Category

Reference to the Journal Header Category object. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Line

Reference to the Journal Line object. For Oracle internal use only.

Ledger ID

Identifier for the ledger.

Ledger Name

Name of the ledger.

Reference Date

Reference date entered for the journal.

Running Total Accounted Credit

Total accounted credit amount of the journal.

Running Total Accounted Debit

Total accounted debit amount of the journal.

Attachment Exists Indicator

Indicator for whether the journal has attachments. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Entered Currency

Entered currency of the journal. For example, USD or EUR.

Journal Description

Description of the journal.

Journal Name

Name of the journal.

Reversing Journal Indicator

Indicator for whether the journal resulted from a reversal. Values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Clearing Company

Intercompany clearing entity used to balance the journal.

Control Total

Control total entered for the journal.

Conversion Date

Date for the conversion rate, which is used to convert an amount into another currency.

Encumbrance Type

Type of encumbrance for journal batches with the Encumbrance batch type.

Journal Reference

Additional information entered by a user.

Legal Entity

Name of the legal entity associated with the journal.

Total Entered Credit

Total journal batch credit amount in the entered currency.

Total Entered Debit

Total journal batch debit amount in the entered currency.

Conversion Rate Type

Source of a currency conversion rate, for example User, Spot, and Corporate.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition 1

Structure definition of the Journals descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 10

Segments 1 through 10 of the Journals descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Journal Line object.



Accounted Credit

Accounted credit amount of the journal line.

Accounted Debit

Accounted debit amount of the journal line.

Entered Currency

Entered currency of the journal line. For example, USD or EUR.

Accounted Currency

Ledger currency of the journal line. For example, USD or EUR

Entered Credit

Entered credit amount of the journal line.

Entered Debit

Entered debit amount of the journal line.

Header ID

Internal identifier of the journal. For Oracle internal use only.

Line Number

Number of the journal line.

Ledger ID

Internal identifier of the ledger. For Oracle internal use only.

Ledger ID 1

For Oracle internal use only.


Reference to the Account object. For Oracle internal use only.

Chart of Accounts ID

Internal identifier of the chart of accounts.

Account Combination ID

Internal identifier of the account combination.

Concatenated Segment

For Oracle internal use only.

Account Combination

Concatenated segments separated by the key flexfield delimiter. For example, 101-10-110-11010-0000.

Account Type

Valid values are A, L, E, R, or O, representing the following respective account types: Asset, Liability, Expense, Revenue, and Owner Equity.

Conversion Date

Date for the conversion rate, which is used to convert an amount into another currency.

Conversion Rate Type

Source of a currency conversion rate, for example User, Spot, and Corporate.

Detail Posting Allowed

Indicator for whether the account allows posting. Valid values are Y and N.

Account Enabled

Indicator for whether the account is available for use.

Account End Date

The date when the account becomes inactive.

Financial Category

Group assigned to a Natural Account segment value. Used for reporting with Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. A list of accepted values is defined in the FINANCIAL_CATEGORY lookup type.

Reconciliation Enabled Account

Indicator assigned to a Natural Account segment value for whether the account is enabled for reconciliation. Valid values are Y and N.

Control Account

Setting assigned to a Natural Account segment value for maintaining detailed balances by third party. Valid values are CUSTOMER, N, R, SUPPLIER, and Y, representing the following respective controls: Customer Control Account, No, Restricted GL Manual Journals, Supplier Control Account, and Third-Party Control Account.

Account Start Date

The date when the account becomes active.

Account Segments 1 through 30

Value of a segment in the account combination.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition 1

Structure definition of the Journal Lines descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 10

Segments 1 through 10 of the Journal Lines descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition 3

Structure definition of the Journals Captured Information descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 11 through 20

Segments 11 - 20 of the Journals Captured Information descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Maximum Amount Journal object.



Batch ID

Internal identifier of the batch. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Ledger Category Code

Category of the ledger. Valid values are SECONDARY, PRIMARY, NONE, and ALC, representing the following respective categories: Secondary Ledger, Primary Ledger, None, and Reporting Currency.

Ledger Enabled for Journal Approval Indicator

Indicator for whether approval is enabled for the ledger. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Ledger ID

Internal identifier for the ledger. For Oracle internal use only.


Name of the ledger.

Maximum Accounted Amount Credit

Maximum accounted credit journal amount of the journal batch.

Maximum Accounted Amount Debit

Maximum accounted debit journal amount of the journal batch.

Maximum Net Accounted Amount

Maximum accounted net journal amount of the journal batch.

Accounted Currency

Currency of the ledger. For example, USD or EUR.

The following table describes the attributes for the Maximum Amount Journal Line object.



Batch ID

Internal identifier of the journal batch. For Oracle internal use only.

Journal Ledger Category Code

Category of the ledger. Valid values are SECONDARY, PRIMARY, NONE, and ALC, representing the following respective categories: Secondary Ledger, Primary Ledger, None, and Reporting Currency.

Ledger Enabled for Journal Approval Indicator

Indicator for whether approval is enabled for the ledger. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Ledger ID

Identifier of the ledger. For Oracle internal use only.

Ledger Name

Name of the ledger.

Maximum Accounted Line Amount Credit

Maximum accounted credit amount of a journal line in the journal batch for the ledger. For example, if a journal batch has five credit lines, this attribute holds the largest value of those five credit lines.

Maximum Accounted Line Amount Debit

Maximum accounted debit amount of a journal line in the journal batch for the ledger. For example, if a journal batch has five debit lines, this attribute holds the largest value of those five debit lines.

Maximum Net Accounted Line Amount

Maximum accounted net amount of a journal line in the journal batch for the ledger.

Accounted Currency

Currency of the ledger. For example, USD or EUR.

The following table describes the attributes for the Period object, which has details for the period that the journal belongs to.




Description of the accounting period.

End Date

End date of the accounting period.


Name of the accounting period.


Number of the accounting period in the fiscal year.

Set Name

Name of the accounting calendar when first created. If the calendar name is later changed in the user interface, this original name remains stored internally as a unique identifier.


Internally generated value based on the period frequency of the accounting calendar. For Oracle internal use only.


Year for the accounting period.

Quarter Number

Quarter number of the accounting period.

Start Date

Start date of the accounting period.

Adjustment Period Indicator

Indicator for whether the period is an adjustment period. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition

Structure definition of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 8

Segments 1 through 8 of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Dates 1 through 5

Date segments 1 through 5 of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Numbers 1 through 5

Number segments 1 through 5 of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.

The following table describes the attributes for the Submitted Period object, which has details for the period in which a journal was submitted for approval.



Adjustment Period Indicator

Indicator for whether the period is an adjustment period. Valid values are Y or N, representing Yes and No.

End Date

End date of the accounting period.

Most Recent Period End Date

End date of the accounting period that's two months before the current accounting period. For example, if a journal is submitted for approval in February 2018, this attribute would contain December 31, 2017.


Name of the accounting period for the journal.


Number of the accounting period in the fiscal year.

Set Name

Name of the accounting calendar when first created. If the calendar name is later changed in the user interface, this original name remains stored internally as a unique identifier.


Internally generated value based on the period frequency of the accounting calendar. For Oracle internal use only.


Accounting period year.

Previous Period End Date

End date of the previous accounting period. For example, if a journal is submitted for approval in February 2018, this attribute would contain January 31, 2018.

Start Date

Start date of the accounting period.

Descriptive Flexfield Structure Definition

Structure definition of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Attributes 1 through 8

Segments 1 through 8 of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Dates 1 through 5

Date segments 1 through 5 of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.

Descriptive Flexfield Numbers 1 through 5

Number segments 1 through 5 of the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.