Transfer Intercompany Transactions for Onward Flow

The onward processing of intercompany transactions is dependent on the transaction type defined in the intercompany agreement.

A transaction type determines if a transaction is transferred directly to General Ledger or if it requires invoicing in Receivables and Payables. Once the agreement is in the active status, transaction type cannot be changed and will apply to all the transactions generated for that agreement. You must create another agreement with a different transaction type if the onward processing is different.

Once the transactions and the accounting are generated, review the data and approve the transfer authorization by clicking Approve on the Accounting Preview page.

This will automatically initiate the transfer to General ledger or transfer to Receivables job depending on the transaction type.

You can also review the Receivables invoices on the Invoices Summary page and initiate the transfer to Payables by clicking Generate on the Invoices Summary page.

Invoices Summary

You can review the invoices summary on the Invoice Summary page. The invoices details will be available based on the status of the transactions.

Transaction Status Invoice Summary will include

Sent to Receivables

Receivables invoice details will be displayed. Payables invoices are yet to be generated.


Both Receivables and Payables invoices will be displayed.

Journals Summary

You can review the journals summary on the Journals Summary page. The summary will separately display the journal information for both the provider and receiver ledger for each transaction included in the transfer authorization.