Clear Budgetary Control Funds Check or Failures Requests

The Clear budgetary Control Funds Check or Failure Requests process purges budgetary control transactions that don't impact the budgetary control balances, such as prior attempts to check or reserve funds, to improve system performance.

Process Parameters

This table describes selected process parameters:



Control budget

Specify either a single control budget name or all budgets.

Purge funds checked

This value can't be updated and is set to Yes. This option purges funds check budgetary control activities for the specified control budget or All control budgets based on minimum days to purge value specified in the last parameter of this program.

Purge failed funds reservation

Specify Yes or No. Select Yes to purge failed funds reservation activities for the specified control budget or All control budgets based on minimum days to purge value specified in the last parameter of this program.

Purge and archive outdated funds reservation

Specify Yes or No. Select Yes to archive and purge the superseded activities for the specified control budget or All control budgets based on minimum days to purge value specified in the last parameter of this program. Superseded activities are the ones that are backed out by a later successful funds reservation or canceled budgetary control activities due to transaction getting canceled or withdrawn. These will be archived and purged only after their budget balances impact is transferred to the Essbase cube if one exists.

Number of days to keep data

Any value greater than 0. Any entry older than the number of days specified will be considered for purging.