How You Use SPS and PAM Formats

You must map the pay groups to applicable payment types and have bank accounts that recognize the payment formats.

Setting Up SPS Format

Perform these steps for setting up the SPS payment format:

  1. Map the SPS pay groups to the payment types and appropriate check and electronic types on the Manage Payment Type Mapping page.

  2. Ensure that internal bank branches are defined with a Regional Finance Center (RFC).

  3. Ensure that internal bank accounts are defined on the Manage Bank Accounts page, with ALCs and Payables Documents with these payment formats:

    • U.S. Federal SPS ACH Format

    • U.S. Federal SPS Check Format

    • U.S. Federal SPS Same Day Payment Format

    Note: You can access the Manage Bank Accounts page from the Cash Management and Banking functional area.

Here's a list of payment types that use the SPS format:

  • SSA Benefit

  • VA Benefit

  • SSI Benefit

  • Miscellaneous

  • OPM Benefit

  • RRB Benefit

  • Salary

  • Travel

  • Tax

  • Miscellaneous

  • Supplier

  • Vendor

Setting Up PAM Format

Perform these steps for setting up the PAM payment format:

  1. Map the PAM pay groups to the payment types and appropriate check and electronic types on the Manage Payment Type Mapping page.

  2. Ensure that internal bank accounts are defined on the Manage Bank Accounts page, with ALCs and Payables Documents with these payment formats:

    • U.S. Federal PAM ACH Format

    • U.S. Federal PAM Check Format

    Note: You can access the Manage Bank Accounts page from the Cash Management and Banking functional area.

Here's a list of payment types that use the PAM format:

  • Allotment

  • Annuity

  • Child Support

  • Daily Benefit

  • Education

  • Fee

  • Insurance

  • Miscellaneous

  • Monthly Benefit

  • Refund

  • Salary

  • Thrift

  • Travel

  • Vendor