Reverse Treasury Payment Schedule Confirmation

After you confirm a treasury payment schedule, you can reverse the confirmation.

Before you start

To reverse the confirmation of a treasury payment schedule, you must have the Reverse Treasury Confirmation (ORA_FV_TC_BACKOUT_PRIV) privilege assigned to your role.

  1. On the Home page, select U.S. Federal Financials and then click Treasury Payment Schedules.

  2. On Manage Treasury Payment Schedules, select the PAM toggle button to view PAM payment schedules or the SPS toggle button to view SPS payment schedules.

  3. Select the payment schedule and click Reverse from the More Actions menu.
    Note: The Reverse option is available only if the payment schedule is in the Confirmed status.


The status of the payment schedule changes to In Process. Click Refresh to refresh the page.

After the Treasury Schedule Backout process completes successfully, a message appears to indicate that the treasury payment schedule confirmation has been reversed, and the status of the payment schedule changes to either Reversed or Unconfirmed based on the accounting status of the treasury payment schedule:
  • If the treasury payment schedule is accounted, the status of the summary schedule changes to Reversed.

  • If the treasury payment schedule isn't accounted, the status of the summary schedule changes to Unconfirmed.