Update Treasury Payment Schedules

You can update a treasury payment schedule record. For example, you can add or change the control number for a payment schedule that's in the Not Submitted status. You can't update a payment schedule that's in the Confirmed status.

  1. On the Home page, select U.S. Federal Financials and then click Treasury Payment Schedules.

  2. On Manage Treasury Payment Schedules, click the Edit icon for the payment schedule that you want to edit or double-click the payment schedule.

  3. Update the following fields as applicable:

    • Control Number: Add or update the control number for the payment schedule.

    • Confirmation Date: Add or update the confirmation date for the payment schedule. The confirmation date must be later than the schedule date.

    • Range Type: If the number of payments is greater than 1, you can update the range type by selecting either Single or Multiple range type.

    • From Range: Add or update the From Range value.

    • To Range: Add or update the To Range value. After you enter the From Range value, the To Range value is automatically populated based on the Number of Payments value.

  4. Click Save.


A confirmation message appears, indicating that the treasury payment schedule has been updated.