Audit Actions

You can take audit actions on expense reports by selecting the appropriate option on the Audit Expense Report page.

When you select a particular option from the Actions menu, you are presented with a dialog box in which you enter pertinent information. With the exception of the Complete Audit and the Waive Receipts and Complete Audit actions, the dialog box triggers a notification that's sent to the employee. Notifications are sent by email or they can be accessed through the Worklist from any Oracle Fusion Application.

If an expense report hasn't received approval from the employee's manager, you can still audit the expense report or take any audit actions if the Expense Report Audit Approval choice list on the Manage Expenses System Options page is set to In parallel with manager approval.

Audit actions include:

  • Complete audit.

  • Reject expense report.

  • Request more information.

  • Waive receipts or Waive receipts and complete audit.

  • Warn user and complete audit.

  • Release hold.

  • Confirm manager approval.

Depending on the audit action you select and the contents of the expense report, Expenses adjusts the status of the expense report.

Besides the actions listed above, the Actions menu of the Audit Expense Report page also provides a Print Preview with Attachments option that lets you easily review and print an expense report with multiple attachments. See Can I print expense reports with multiple attachments? for more information.

Complete Audit

To complete an audit, click the Complete Audit button on the Audit Expense Report page. The Complete Audit action results in the following:

  • No action is required from the employee.

  • If manager approvals are complete, the expense report status is set to Pending Payment and is ready for payment processing in Oracle Fusion Payables.

  • Any short payments or line adjustments you make are reflected in the reimbursement amount.

Reject Expense Report

To reject an expense report, select the Reject Expense Report option from the Actions menu in the header of the Audit Expense Report page. The employee receives a notification that includes the reason for the rejection, specific read-only instructions, and any additional instructions from you. Selecting the Reject Expense Report action results in the following:

  • The expense report is returned to the employee with a status of Rejected.

  • The employee can resubmit the report or delete it.

  • The employee must resubmit the rejected expense report with the requested remedy before it can be approved.

  • A resubmitted report must complete all required approvals before it can be audited.

Note: When you reject an expense report, Expenses discards any previous line adjustments you made. Line adjustments are changes you made to the expense amount, which modifies the reimbursement amount to the individual.

Request More Information

To request more information for an expense report, select the Request More Information option from the Actions menu in the header of the Audit Expense Report page. The employee receives a notification that includes the reason for the request, specific instructions, and any additional instructions from you. Selecting the Request More Information action results in the following:

  • The employee doesn't need to resubmit the returned expense report. He can optionally reply to the notification.

  • The expense report status remains Pending Payables Approval.

  • You can complete the audit before the requested information is received from the employee.

Waive Receipts or Waive Receipts and Complete Audit

To waive receipts when the expense report audit is complete and approved, select the Waive Receipts option from the Actions menu in the header of the Audit Expense Report page. Selecting the Waive Receipts action results in the following:

  • The employee doesn't receive a notification.

  • The receipt status is set to Waived.

To waive receipts before completing the expense report audit, select the Waive Receipts and Complete Audit option from the Actions menu in the header of the Audit Expense Report page. This action is available only if you haven't processed the expense report and when the report contains expenses which require receipts that haven't been received. Selecting the Waive Receipts and Complete Audit action results in the following:

  • The employee doesn't receive a notification.

  • The employee doesn't need to take any action.

  • The expense report status is set to Pending Payment and is ready for payment request creation in Oracle Fusion Payables.

  • The receipt status is set to Waived.

Warn User and Complete Audit

To warn the employee of questionable expenses and continue to complete the audit, select the Warn User and Complete Audit option from the Actions menu in the header of the Audit Expense Report page. The employee receives a notification that includes the reason for the action and any additional instructions you entered. Selecting the Warn User and Complete Audit action results in the following:

  • A notification is sent to the employee that advises him to review company policies.

  • If manager approvals are complete, the expense report status is set to Pending Payment and is ready for payment request creation in Payables.

Release Hold

To release an expense report from payment hold, select the Release Hold option from the Actions menu in the header of the Audit Expense Report page. This action is only available when an expense report is held pending receipts. The employee receives a notification that includes specific read-only instructions and that indicates his expense report was released from payment hold. Selecting the Release Hold action results in the following:

  • The payment hold on the entire expense report is released.

  • The expense report status is set to Pending Payment.

Confirm Manager Approval

To ask the approving manager to confirm a previous expense report approval, select the Confirm Manager Approval option from the Actions menu in the header of the Audit Expense Report page. This action is only available after the manager has approved the expense report and the status is set to Pending Expense Auditor Approval. The approving manager receives a notification that includes a specific read-only instruction and any additional instructions you entered. Selecting Confirm Manager Approval action results in the following:

  • Any changes that you made are discarded.

  • A notification is sent to the employee's direct manager that requests approval of the expense report.

  • The expense report status is set to Pending Manager Approval.

  • You will continue to be assigned to this expense report since you requested manager approval.