AutoCash Hierarchy

The AutoCash hierarchy view object contains information about AutoCash rule sets, including the order in which rules appear in a rule set, name, description, option to include discounts, option to include finance charges, option to include dispute items, and option to apply partial payments. AutoCash rule sets determine how receipts are applied to transactions and how customer balances are updated after receipt application. The Apply to the Oldest Invoice First AutoCash rule determines whether to apply partial payments.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.AutoCashHierarchyExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArAutoCashHierarchyAutocashHierarchyId

Initial Extract Date : ArAutoCashHierarchyCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArAutoCashHierarchyLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArAutoCashHierarchyApplyPartialPayments The option that indicates whether to allow partial payments against open balances when using the Apply to the Oldest Invoice First AutoCash rule.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute1 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 1.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute10 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 10.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute11 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 11.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute12 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 12.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute13 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 13.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute14 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 14.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute15 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 15.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute2 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 2.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute3 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 3.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute4 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 4.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute5 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 5.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute6 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 6.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute7 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 7.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute8 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 8.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttribute9 A segment of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield 9.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAutocashHierarchyId The identifier of the AutoCash rule hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyCreatedBy The user who created the AutoCash hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyCreationDate The date and time the AutoCash hierarchy was created.
ArAutoCashHierarchyDescription The description of the AutoCash rule set hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyHierarchyName The name of the AutoCash rule set hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyIncludeDiscounts The option that indicates the discount to apply to the open balance calculation for the AutoCash rule set hierarchy. Valid values are Earned Only, Earned and Unearned, and None.
ArAutoCashHierarchyIncludeDisputeItems The option that indicates whether to include disputed items in the open balance calculation for the AutoCash rule set hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyIncludeFinanceCharges The option that indicates whether to include late charges in the open balance calculation for the AutoCash rule set hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyLastUpdateDate The date and time the AutoCash hierarchy was last updated.
ArAutoCashHierarchyLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the AutoCash hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the AutoCash hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an AutoCash hierarchy to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArAutoCashHierarchyRemainingAmount The option that indicates what to do with remaining receipt amounts when no rule in the AutoCash rule set hierarchy applies. Valid values are On Account and Unapplied.
ArAutoCashHierarchySeedDataSource The source of the AutoCash hierarchy seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArAutoCashHierarchySetId The identifier of the AutoCash hierarchy reference set.
ArAutoCashHierarchyStatus The option that indicates whether the AutoCash hierarchy is active.