AutoInvoice Grouping Rule

The AutoInvoice grouping rule view object contains information about grouping rules, including name, description, line ordering rule, from date, to date, transaction class, and optional grouping characteristics. Grouping rules are used by AutoInvoice to determine how invoice interface lines are grouped together to create invoices. The rules specify various transaction attributes that must be identical for the same transaction. For example, if transaction number is part of the grouping rule and two interface lines have different transaction numbers, two transactions are created.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.TransactionRequestGroupingRuleExtractPVO

Primary Keys : RaGroupingRuleGroupingRuleId

Initial Extract Date : RaGroupingRuleCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : RaGroupingRuleLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
RaGroupingRuleAttribute1 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 1.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute10 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 10.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute11 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 11.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute12 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 12.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute13 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 13.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute14 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 14.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute15 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 15.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute2 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 2.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute3 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 3.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute4 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 4.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute5 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 5.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute6 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 6.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute7 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 7.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute8 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 8.
RaGroupingRuleAttribute9 A segment of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield 9.
RaGroupingRuleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield.
RaGroupingRuleCreatedBy The user who created the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleCreationDate The date and time the grouping rule was created.
RaGroupingRuleDescription The description of the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleEndDate The end date of the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleGroupingRuleId The identifier of the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time the grouping rule was last updated.
RaGroupingRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleName The name of the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a grouping rule to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaGroupingRuleOrderingRuleId The identifier of the line ordering rule associated with the grouping rule. Foreign key to the RA_LINE_ORDERING_RULES table.
RaGroupingRuleSeedDataSource The source of the grouping rule seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
RaGroupingRuleStartDate The start date of the grouping rule.