AutoMatch Rule Set

The AutoMatch rule set view object contains information about the AutoMatch rule set, including reference set, name, description, start date, end date, customer recommendation threshold, minimum match hold, combined weighted hold, and days of closed invoices hold.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.AutomatchRuleExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArAutomationRuleAutomatchRuleId

Initial Extract Date : ArAutomationRuleCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArAutomationRuleLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArAutomationRuleActiveFlag The option that indicates whether the AutoMatch rule set is active.
ArAutomationRuleAmountWeight The relative importance, expressed as a percentage, of matching the open balance amount on a transaction within the combined weighted thresholds of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleCreatedBy The user who created the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleCreationDate The date and time the AutoMatch rule set was created.
ArAutomationRuleCustomerThreshold The qualifying percentage needed to accept a customer recommendation on a receipt within the recommendation score of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleCustomerWeight The relative importance expressed as a percentage of matching the customer information on a transaction within the combined weighted thresholds of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleDescription The description of the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleEndDate The end date of the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time the AutoMatch rule set was last updated.
ArAutomationRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleMinMatchThreshold The qualifying percentage, as a sum of the customer, transaction and amount thresholds, needed to recommend a transaction for receipt application within the recommendation score of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleName The name of the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNetFreightWeight The relative importance of a transaction amount net of freight, expressed as a percentage, within the amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNetTaxFreightWeight The relative importance of a transaction amount net of tax and freight, expressed as a percentage, within the amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNetTaxWeight The relative importance of a transaction amount net of tax, expressed as a percentage, within the amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNetUndiscWeight The relative importance of the unearned discount on a transaction, expressed as a percentage, within the amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNumberOfDaysClosed The number of days past closure to consider closed transactions for application or recommendation in the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an AutoMatch rule set to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArAutomationRuleRemittanceRegexp The string handling values to apply to receipt numbers in the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleSeedDataSource The source of the AutoMatch rule set seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArAutomationRuleSetId The AutoMatch rule set reference set.
ArAutomationRuleStartDate The start date of the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleTransactionRegexp The string handling values to apply to transaction numbers in the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleTransactionThreshold The qualifying percentage, as a sum of the customer, transaction and amount thresholds, needed to apply a receipt automatically within the recommendation score of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleTransactionWeight The relative importance expressed as a percentage of matching the transaction number within the combined weighted thresholds of an AutoMatch rule set.