Balance Forward Bill

The balance forward bill view object contains information about balance forward bills, including bill number, bill-to customer number, customer site, bill-from, bill-to, billing date, due date, currency, amount due, beginning balance, ending balance, payment terms, payments, adjustments, credits, current charges, tax, and late charges. Balance forward bills are generated by the Generate Balance Forward Bill process. The balance forward bill contains all transactions created within the period specified by the balance forward billing cycle.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ConsolidatedBillExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArConsInvConsInvId

Initial Extract Date : ArConsInvCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArConsInvLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArConsInvAgingBucket1Amt The unpaid amount in the first aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket2Amt The unpaid amount in the second aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket3Amt The unpaid amount in the third aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket4Amt The unpaid amount in the fourth aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket5Amt The unpaid amount in the fifth aging bucket of a 7- bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket6Amt The unpaid amount in the sixth aging bucket of a 7- bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket7Amt The unpaid amount in the seventh aging bucket of a 7- bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAttribute1 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 1.
ArConsInvAttribute10 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 10.
ArConsInvAttribute11 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 11.
ArConsInvAttribute12 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 12.
ArConsInvAttribute13 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 13.
ArConsInvAttribute14 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 14.
ArConsInvAttribute15 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 15.
ArConsInvAttribute2 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 2.
ArConsInvAttribute3 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 3.
ArConsInvAttribute4 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 4.
ArConsInvAttribute5 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 5.
ArConsInvAttribute6 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 6.
ArConsInvAttribute7 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 7.
ArConsInvAttribute8 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 8.
ArConsInvAttribute9 A segment of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield 9.
ArConsInvAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield.
ArConsInvBeginningBalance Either the beginning balance or the balance carried over from the last billing period of the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvBfbTemplateName The print template used to print balance forward bills and to preview balance forward bills online. Valid values are Balance Forward Bill Summary and Balance Forward Bill Details.
ArConsInvBillLevelFlag The option in the customer profile that indicates whether balance forward billing is enabled at the account level or site level.
ArConsInvBillingCycleId The identifier of the balance forward billing cycle.
ArConsInvBillingDate The billing date of the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvConcurrentRequestId The request identifier of a run of the Create Balance Forward Bills process.
ArConsInvConsBillingNumber The balance forward billing number assigned to the balance forward bill and transactions included in the bill.
ArConsInvConsInvId The identifier of the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvConsInvType The balance forward bill type assigned to the customer account or site profile. A list of accepted values is defined in the AR_BPA_TM_TMPLT_FORMAT lookup type.
ArConsInvCreatedBy The user who created the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvCreationDate The date and time the balance forward bill was created.
ArConsInvCurrencyCode The currency code of the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvCustomerId The identifier of the balance forward bill customer.
ArConsInvCutOffDate The cutoff date for transactions to include in the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvDueDate The balance forward bill due date, as determined by the billing cycle.
ArConsInvEndingBalance The ending balance of the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvIssueDate The date the balance forward bill was submitted to the customer.
ArConsInvLastBillingDate The previous billing date of the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvLastChargeDate The last date of the calculation period for late charges on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvLastUpdateDate The date and time the balance forward bill was last updated.
ArConsInvLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvObjectVersionNumber Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a balance forward bill to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArConsInvOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvPrintStatus The print status of the balance forward bill. Valid values are: Pending and Printed.
ArConsInvRemitToAddressId The identifier of the customer remit-to address on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvRemitToAddressSeqId The sequence identifier of the customer remit-to address on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvSiteUseId The identifier of the customer bill-to site on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvStartDate The billing period start date on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvStatus The balance forward bill status. Valid values are: Draft, Accepted, or Rejected.
ArConsInvTermId The identifier of the balance forward bill payment terms.
ArConsInvTotalAdjustmentsAmt The sum of all adjustments on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvTotalCreditsAmt The sum of all credits on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvTotalReceiptsAmt The sum of all receipts on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvTotalTaxAmt The total tax amount on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvTotalTrxAmt The sum of all transactions on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvUnpaidReason The reason why the balance forward bill isn't paid.
TotalFinanceChargesAmt The sum of all late charges on the balance forward bill.