Cash Remittance Reference

The cash remittance reference view object consolidates information for cash remittance references, including the receipt match by, reference number, reference amount, and entry method.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.CashRemitRefExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArCashRemitRefRemitReferenceId

Initial Extract Date : ArCashRemitRefCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArCashRemitRefLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AmountApplied The amount of the cash remittance receipt applied to the transaction.
ArCashRemitRefAmountAppliedFrom The amount of the cash remittance receipt applied to the transaction in the receipt currency.
ArCashRemitRefAutoapplyFlag The option that indicates whether AutoApply is enabled on the cash remittance receipt.
ArCashRemitRefAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the AutoMatch rule used on the cash remittance receipt.
ArCashRemitRefBankAccountNumber The customer bank account number on the cash remittance receipt.
ArCashRemitRefCashReceiptId The identifier of the cash remittance receipt.
ArCashRemitRefCreatedBy The user who created the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefCreationDate The date and time the cash remittance reference was created.
ArCashRemitRefCustomerId The identifier of the customer on the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefCustomerNumber The customer account number on the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefInvoiceCurrencyCode The currency of the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefInvoiceReference The reference for the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefInvoiceStatus The status of the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefLockboxMatchingOption The Match Receipts By document type belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefMatchingDateReference The date of the matching document belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a cash remittance reference to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArCashRemitRefOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the cash remittance reference document.
ArCashRemitRefPayUnrelatedCustomers The Receivables system option that indicates whether payment of unrelated customer transactions is enabled for the business unit associated with the cash remittance reference document.
ArCashRemitRefPaymentScheduleId The identifier of the payment schedule belonging to the cash remittance reference document.
ArCashRemitRefProgramApplicationId The application that last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefProgramId The process that last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefReceiptReferenceStatus The status of the receipt belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefReferenceSource The source that created the receipt belonging to the cash remittance reference, for example, Lockbox, Spreadsheet Upload, or Manual Entry.
ArCashRemitRefRemitReferenceId The identifier of the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefResolvedMatchInstallment The cash remittance reference matching transaction selected.
ArCashRemitRefResolvedMatchingDate The cash remittance reference transaction date of the matching transaction selected.
ArCashRemitRefResolvedMatchingNumber The cash remittance reference transaction number of the matching transaction selected.
ArCashRemitRefTransToReceiptRate The cash remittance reference conversion rate for the entered currency of the matching transaction selected.
ArCashRemitRefTransitRoutingNumber The cash remittance reference bank routing number.