Charge Schedule Header

The charge schedule header view object contains information about late charge schedules, including charge schedule name, description, and interest tiers.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ChargeScheduleHDRExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArChargeScheduleHDRScheduleHeaderId, ArChargeScheduleHDRScheduleId

Initial Extract Date : ArChargeScheduleHDRCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArChargeScheduleHDRLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArChargeScheduleHDRAgingBucketId The unique identifier of the charge schedule header. This is a foreign key of the aging buckets view object.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute1 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 1.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute10 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 10.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute11 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 11.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute12 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 12.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute13 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 13.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute14 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 14.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute15 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 15.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute2 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 2.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute3 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 3.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute4 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 4.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute5 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 5.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute6 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 6.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute7 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 7.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute8 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 8.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttribute9 A segment of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield 9.
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield.
ArChargeScheduleHDRCreatedBy The user who created the charge schedule header.
ArChargeScheduleHDRCreationDate The date and time the charge schedule header was created.
ArChargeScheduleHDREndDate The charge schedule end date.
ArChargeScheduleHDRLastUpdateDate The date and time the charge schedule header was last updated.
ArChargeScheduleHDRLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the charge schedule header.
ArChargeScheduleHDRLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the charge schedule header.
ArChargeScheduleHDRObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a charge schedule header to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArChargeScheduleHDRScheduleHeaderId The identifier of the charge schedule header.
ArChargeScheduleHDRScheduleHeaderType The charge schedule header type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type SCHEDULE_HEADER_TYPE.
ArChargeScheduleHDRScheduleId The unique identifier of the charge schedule header. This is a foreign key of the AR_CHARGE_SCHEDULES view object.
ArChargeScheduleHDRStartDate The charge schedule header start date.
ArChargeScheduleHDRStatus The status that indicates whether the charge schedule header is active.