Receipt Distribution

The receipt distribution view object contains information about accounting distributions for cash and miscellaneous receipts, adjustments, credit memo and receipt applications, and bills receivable. The source types for cash receipts are: CONFIRMATION, REMITTANCE, CASH, FACTOR, SHORT_TERM_DEBT, and BANK_CHARGES. The source types for receivable applications are: REC-receivable, EDISC-earned discounts, UNEDISC-unearned discounts, TAX-collectable tax, DEFERRED_TAX, EDISC_NON_REC-nonrecoverable earned discounts, UNEDISC_NON_REC-nonrecoverable unearned discounts, EXCH_GAIN-exchange gain, EXCH_LOSS-exchange loss, and CURR_ROUND-currency rounding. The source types for adjustments are: REC, ADJ-adjustment, FINCHRG-late charges, ADJ_NON_REC-nonrecoverable adjustments, and FINCHRG_NON_REC-nonrecoverable charges. The source types for miscellaneous receipts are: MISCCASH-cash and TAX. The source types for bills receivable are: DEFERRED_TAX, FACTOR, REC, REMITTANCE, TAX, and UNPAIDREC-unpaid bills.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.DistributionExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArDistributionLineId

Initial Extract Date : ArDistributionCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArDistributionLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArDistributionAcctdAmountCr The journal entry recorded for the accounted credit amount of the receipt.
ArDistributionAcctdAmountDr The journal entry recorded for the accounted debit amount of the receipt.
ArDistributionActivityBucket The amount for which the distribution activity is recorded.
ArDistributionAmountCr The distribution recorded for the accounted credit amount of the receipt.
ArDistributionAmountDr The distribution recorded for the accounted debit amount of the receipt.
ArDistributionCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the account for creating journals. This is a foreign key of the General Ledger code combination view object.
ArDistributionCreatedBy The user who created the distribution.
ArDistributionCreationDate The date and time the distribution was created.
ArDistributionCurrencyCode The distribution currency code.
ArDistributionCurrencyConversionDate The distribution conversion date.
ArDistributionCurrencyConversionRate The distribution conversion rate.
ArDistributionCurrencyConversionType The distribution conversion rate type.
ArDistributionFromAcctdAmountCr The credit amount of the receipt in the ledger currency.
ArDistributionFromAcctdAmountDr The debit amount of the receipt in the ledger currency.
ArDistributionFromAmountCr The credit amount of the cash receipt in the ledger currency.
ArDistributionFromAmountDr The debit amount of the cash receipt in the ledger currency.
ArDistributionLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt accounting distribution was last updated.
ArDistributionLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt accounting distribution.
ArDistributionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt accounting distribution.
ArDistributionLineId The unique identifier of the accounting line distribution. This is a primary key of the General Ledger Line Distribution view object.
ArDistributionLocationSegmentId The unique identifier for the location segment found in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table. This is a foreign key of the Distribution Location view object.
ArDistributionObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArDistributionOrgId The unique identifier of the business unit.
ArDistributionRefAccountClass The account class of the receipt distribution.
ArDistributionRefCustTrxLineGlDistId The identifier of the receipt line distribution.
ArDistributionRefCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line.
ArDistributionRefDistCcid The accounting code combination identifier for distributions outside Receivables.
ArDistributionRefLineId The reference to a distribution line created from an adjustment.
ArDistributionRefMfDistFlag The option that indicates whether the distribution was created based on a Public Sector Financials distribution.
ArDistributionRefPrevCustTrxLineId The invoice line identifier of the related credit memo.
ArDistributionReversalFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt distribution was reversed.
ArDistributionReversedSourceId The source identifier that indicates where the reversal record was created from. This is used for receipt applications to record the debit/credit in the gain/loss account.
ArDistributionSourceId The identifier of the record in the SOURCE_TABLE that created the distribution.
ArDistributionSourceIdSecondary The unique identifier of the distribution source secondary column. This is a foreign key of the Source Distribution view object.
ArDistributionSourceTable The distribution source for the cash receipt history.
ArDistributionSourceTableSecondary The distribution source for the receipt that represents a secondary table.
ArDistributionSourceType The account type of the receipt for which the distribution is posted.
ArDistributionSourceTypeSecondary The distribution source type for the receipt.
ArDistributionTaxCodeId The unique identifier of the distribution tax rate code. This is a foreign key of the Tax view object.
ArDistributionTaxGroupCodeId The unique identifier of the distribution tax group code. This is a foreign key of the Tax Group Code view object.
ArDistributionTaxId The tax identifier of the receipt distribution.
ArDistributionTaxLinkId The link between tax and taxable lines within the AR_DISTRIBUTIONS table.
ArDistributionTaxableAccountedCr The accounted taxable credit amount.
ArDistributionTaxableAccountedDr The accounted taxable debit amount.
ArDistributionTaxableEnteredCr The taxable receipt credit lines.
ArDistributionTaxableEnteredDr The taxable receipt debit lines.
ArDistributionThirdPartyId The identifier of the bill-to customer on the transaction and the paying customer on the receipt.
ArDistributionThirdPartySubId The identifier of the bill-to site on the transaction and the customer site on the receipt.