Receipt Batch

The receipt batch view object contains information about the receipt batch, including receipt batch name, batch date, accounting date, batch status, payment type, number of receipts, batch receipt amount, batch application status, transmission request, lockbox batch name, receipt class, receipt method, remittance bank account, and business unit. The receipt batch view object stores batch source information about each receipt and remittance batch.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ReceiptBatchExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArBatchBatchId

Initial Extract Date : ArBatchCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArBatchLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArBatchActualAmount The receipt batch total amount.
ArBatchActualCount The number of receipts in the receipt batch.
ArBatchAttribute1 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 1.
ArBatchAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 10.
ArBatchAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 11.
ArBatchAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 12.
ArBatchAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 13.
ArBatchAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 14.
ArBatchAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 15.
ArBatchAttribute2 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 2.
ArBatchAttribute3 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 3.
ArBatchAttribute4 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 4.
ArBatchAttribute5 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 5.
ArBatchAttribute6 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 6.
ArBatchAttribute7 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 7.
ArBatchAttribute8 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 8.
ArBatchAttribute9 A segment of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield 9.
ArBatchAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield.
ArBatchAutoPrintProgramId The identifier of the print program used for the receipt remittance batch.
ArBatchAutoTransProgramId The identifier of the magnetic format print program used for the receipt remittance batch.
ArBatchAutomatchRequestId The AutoMatch request identifier of the receipt batch.
ArBatchBankDepositNumber The user-defined reference number of the receipt batch.
ArBatchBatchAppliedStatus The receipt batch status. Valid values are: IN_PROCESS, PROCESSED, and POSTBATCH_WAITING.
ArBatchBatchDate The receipt batch date.
ArBatchBatchId The identifier of the receipt batch.
ArBatchBatchSourceSeqId The receipt batch sequence identifier.
ArBatchClosedDate The receipt batch closed date.
ArBatchComments The user-defined comments to accompany the receipt batch.
ArBatchControlAmount The receipt batch control amount.
ArBatchControlCount The receipt batch item control count.
ArBatchCreatedBy The user who created the receipt batch.
ArBatchCreationDate The date and time the receipt batch was created.
ArBatchCurrencyCode The receipt batch currency code.
ArBatchDepositDate The receipt batch deposit date.
ArBatchExchangeDate The receipt batch conversion date.
ArBatchExchangeRate The receipt batch conversion rate.
ArBatchExchangeRateType The receipt batch conversion rate type.
ArBatchGlDate The receipt batch accounting date.
ArBatchLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt batch was last updated.
ArBatchLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt batch.
ArBatchLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt batch.
ArBatchLockboxBatchName The name of the lockbox associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchLockboxId The identifier of the lockbox associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchMediaReference The name of the transmission media used for the receipt batch.
ArBatchName The name of the receipt batch.
ArBatchObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt batch to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArBatchOldRemittanceBankBranchId The identifier of the previous default remittance bank branch of the receipt batch.
ArBatchOperationRequestId The request identifier of the process that created the receipt batch.
ArBatchOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the receipt batch (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
ArBatchProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the receipt batch (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
ArBatchProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the receipt batch.
ArBatchPurgedChildrenFlag The option that indicates whether information in the receipt batch was purged.
ArBatchReceiptClassId The identifier of the receipt class associated with the receipt batch (foreign key reference to RECEIPT_CLASS_ID from AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES).
ArBatchReceiptMethodId The identifier of the receipt method associated with the receipt batch (foreign key reference to AR_RECEIPT_METHODS).
ArBatchRemitBankAcctUseId The business use identifier of the target remittance bank account for the receipt batch.
ArBatchRemitMethodCode The receipt batch remittance method. Valid values are: Standard, Factoring, and Standard and Factoring.
ArBatchRemittanceBankAccountId The identifier of the remittance bank account assigned to the receipt batch (foreign key reference to AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS).
ArBatchRemittanceBankBranchId The identifier of the bank branch of the remittance bank account assigned to the receipt batch.
ArBatchRequestId The request identifier of the receipt batch.
ArBatchSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchStatus The status of the receipt batch.
ArBatchTransmissionId The identifier of the lockbox transmission that processed the receipt batch.
ArBatchTransmissionRequestId The request identifier of the lockbox transmission that processed the receipt batch.
ArBatchType The receipt batch type. Valid values are: MANUAL for manually created batches, CREATION for automatic receipt batches, REMITTANCE for remittance batches, CLEARANCE for clearance batches, and BR_REMITTANCE for bills receivable remittance batches.
ArBatchWithRecourseFlag The option on a bills receivable remittance batch that indicates whether to create factored bills receivable remittances with recourse.