Payment Schedule

The payment schedule view object contains information about all transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts. It's updated when activities occur against an invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo, on-account credit, or receipt. Upon receipt application, the amount applied, amount due remaining, and status are updated. The status changes from open to closed if the amount due remaining becomes zero. Amount due includes on-account and unapplied amounts. Invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, and deposits have positive amount due remaining and amount due original values, whereas credit memos and receipts have negative amounts. The sum of amount due remaining for all confirmed payment schedules is the customer balance. If the customer balance is negative, amount due remaining is the credit balance amount. If a debit memo reversal is created, a payment schedule record is created for the debit memo.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.PaymentScheduleExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArPaymentSchedulePaymentScheduleId

Initial Extract Date : ArPaymentScheduleCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArPaymentScheduleLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArPaymentScheduleAcctdAmountDueRemaining The remaining amount due on the transaction in the ledger currency.
ArPaymentScheduleActiveClaimFlag The option that indicates whether an active claim exists in Trade Management for this transaction.
ArPaymentScheduleActualDateClosed The actual date the payment schedule was closed.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountAdjusted The amount of the payment schedule or payment schedule installment that's adjusted.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountAdjustedPending The amount of the payment schedule or payment schedule installment that's pending adjustment approval.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountApplied The amount applied to the payment schedule installment.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountCredited The amount credited against the payment schedule installment.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountDueOriginal The original amount due on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountDueRemaining The remaining amount due on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountInDispute The amount in dispute on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountLineItemsOriginal The original line amount due on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountLineItemsRemaining The remaining line amount due on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountOnAccount The payment schedule amount placed on account.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountOtherAccount The payment schedule amount for Oracle internal use only.
ArPaymentScheduleAssociatedCashReceiptId The identifier of the cash receipt from which the chargeback is created.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 1.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 10.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 11.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 12.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 13.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 14.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 15.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 2.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 3.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 4.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 5.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 6.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 7.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 8.
ArPaymentScheduleAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield 9.
ArPaymentScheduleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield.
ArPaymentScheduleBrAmountAssigned The amount of a bill receivable that's applied to a transaction in the entered currency.
ArPaymentScheduleCallDateLast The date a collector most recently called the customer.
ArPaymentScheduleCashReceiptId The identifier of the cash receipt payment.
ArPaymentScheduleCollectorLast The last collector that called the customer.
ArPaymentScheduleConsInvId The unique identifier of the balance forward bill. This is a primary key of the Balance Forward Bill view object.
ArPaymentScheduleConsInvIdRev The consolidated bill number of the balance forward bill that the transaction payment schedule cash receipt reversal belongs to.
ArPaymentScheduleCreatedBy The user who created the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleCreationDate The date and time the payment schedule was created.
ArPaymentScheduleCustTrxTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the payment schedule transaction type used for invoices, bills receivable, and credit memos.
ArPaymentScheduleCustomerId The identifier of the customer associated with the transaction payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleCustomerSiteUseId The identifier of the bill-to customer site.
ArPaymentScheduleCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleDelContactEmailAddress The email address of the customer bill-to contact.
ArPaymentScheduleDiscountTakenEarned The actual amount of earned discount taken on the payment schedule line.
ArPaymentScheduleDiscountTakenUnearned The actual amount of unearned discount taken on the payment schedule line.
ArPaymentScheduleDisputeDate The most recent dispute date on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleDueDate The due date of the transaction installment.
ArPaymentScheduleDunningLevelOverrideDate The date when the user manually adjusted the dunning level of a debit item.
ArPaymentScheduleExchangeDate The payment schedule conversion date.
ArPaymentScheduleExchangeRate The payment schedule conversion rate.
ArPaymentScheduleExchangeRateType The payment schedule conversion rate type.
ArPaymentScheduleExcludeFromConsBillFlag The option that indicates whether to exclude the current payment schedule from the balance forward bill.
ArPaymentScheduleExcludeFromDunningFlag The option that indicates whether to exclude the customer from the dunning process.
ArPaymentScheduleFollowUpCodeLast The code that describes the outcome of the last follow-up with the customer about the transaction line item.
ArPaymentScheduleFollowUpDateLast The date the customer was last contacted about the transaction line item.
ArPaymentScheduleFreightOriginal The original freight amount on the transaction line.
ArPaymentScheduleFreightRemaining The remaining freight amount on the transaction line.
ArPaymentScheduleGlDate The payment schedule accounting date.
ArPaymentScheduleGlDateClosed The accounting date the payment schedule was closed.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArPaymentScheduleInCollection The option that indicates whether the transaction is in collections.
ArPaymentScheduleInvoiceCurrencyCode The payment schedule currency code.
ArPaymentScheduleLastChargeDate The late charge date of the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleLastUpdateDate The date and time the payment schedule was last updated.
ArPaymentScheduleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleModuleId The module that owns the row. A module is an entry in the Application Taxonomy, such as a Logical Business Area. When the MODULE_ID column exists and the owner of the row isn't specified, then the Seed Data Framework won't extract the row as seed data.
ArPaymentScheduleNumberOfDueDates The total number of installment due dates on the transaction payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a payment schedule to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArPaymentScheduleOrgId The identifier of the business unit on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentSchedulePaymentApproval The option that indicates whether a payment is approved or rejected.
ArPaymentSchedulePaymentScheduleClass1 The lookup code for the class of the payment schedule.
ArPaymentSchedulePaymentScheduleId The identifier of the payment schedule.
ArPaymentSchedulePrintRequestId The request identifier of the last printing of the transaction.
ArPaymentScheduleProgramApplicationId The identifier of the process that corresponds to the application that last updated the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the payment schedule.
ArPaymentSchedulePromiseAmountLast The amount the customer last promised to pay.
ArPaymentSchedulePromiseDateLast The date the customer last promised to pay.
ArPaymentScheduleReceiptConfirmedFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt was confirmed.
ArPaymentScheduleReceivablesChargesCharged The total additional charges on a payment schedule other than lines, tax, and freight.
ArPaymentScheduleReceivablesChargesRemaining The balance due of the sum of all additional charges on a payment schedule other than lines, tax, and freight.
ArPaymentScheduleRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the payment schedule or payment schedule installment.
ArPaymentScheduleReservedType The transaction payment schedule reserved for remittance batch processing.
ArPaymentScheduleReservedValue The batch number stored for remittance batch processing.
ArPaymentScheduleReversedCashReceiptId The identifier of the reversed receipt from which a debit memo is created.
ArPaymentScheduleSeedDataSource The source of the payment schedule seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArPaymentScheduleSelectedForReceiptBatchId The identifier of the automatic receipt batch. A transaction is available for automatic receipt application if this column is null and the transaction is assigned an automatic receipt method.
ArPaymentScheduleStagedDunningLevel The dunning level of the payment schedule item as printed on the dunning correspondence.
ArPaymentScheduleStatus The payment schedule status. Valid values are: OP - Open: amount due remaining, CL - Closed: no amount due.
ArPaymentScheduleTaxOriginal The original tax amount on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleTaxRemaining The remaining tax amount on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleTermId The identifier of the payment terms used to calculate the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleTermsSequenceNumber The sequence number assigned to each installment of the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleTrxDate The payment schedule transaction creation date.
ArPaymentScheduleTrxNumber The payment schedule transaction number.