Payment Terms Details

The Payment Terms Details view object contains detailed information about payment terms such as due dates, due percentage, discount dates, discount percentage and so on. The combination of ApTermsLinesTermId and ApTermsLinesSequenceNum forms the unique identifier of the Payment Terms Detail view object.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ApBiccExtractAM.PaymentTermLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ApTermsLinesSequenceNum, ApTermsLinesTermId

Initial Extract Date : ApTermsLinesCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ApTermsLinesLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ApTermsLinesAttribute1 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute10 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute11 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute12 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute13 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute14 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute15 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute2 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute3 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute4 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute5 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute6 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute7 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute8 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute9 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttributeCategory The context name for the Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesCalendar The name of the special calendar associated with the term line.
ApTermsLinesCreatedBy The user who created the payment term line.
ApTermsLinesCreationDate The date and time when the payment term line was created.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDayOfMonth The day of the month used to calculate the discount date for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDayOfMonth2 The day of the month used to calculate a second discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDayOfMonth3 The day of the month used to calculate a third discount for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDays The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate a discount date for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDays2 The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate a second discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDays3 The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate a third discount for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountMonthsForward The number of months ahead used to calculate the discount date the for invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountMonthsForward2 The number of months ahead, used to calculate the second discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountMonthsForward3 The number of months ahead, used to calculate the third discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountPercent The percentage used to calculate the discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountPercent2 The percentage used to calculate the second discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountPercent3 The percentage used to calculate a third discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDueAmount The maximum payment amount that is due by a certain date.
ApTermsLinesDueDayOfMonth The day of the month used to calculate the due date of an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDueDays The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate the due date of an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDueMonthsForward The number of months ahead, used to calculate the due date of an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDuePercent The percentage of a payment due by a certain date.
ApTermsLinesFixedDate The payment term attribute that indicates the payment due date.
ApTermsLinesLastUpdateDate The date when the payment term line was last updated.
ApTermsLinesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the payment term line.
ApTermsLinesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment term line.
ApTermsLinesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the payment term line has been updated.
ApTermsLinesSequenceNum The number of the payment term line. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Payment Terms Details view object.
ApTermsLinesTermId The unique identifier of the payment term line. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Payment Terms Details view object.