Statement Cycle

The statement cycle view object contains information about statement cycles, including statement cycle name, description, interval, active option, business unit, and print dates. Cycle intervals are weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Statement cycles are assigned to customer profile classes and determine when statements are sent to customers.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.StatementCycleExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArStatementCycleStatementCycleId

Initial Extract Date : ArStatementCycleCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArStatementCycleLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArStatementCycleAttribute1 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 1.
ArStatementCycleAttribute10 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 10.
ArStatementCycleAttribute11 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 11.
ArStatementCycleAttribute12 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 12.
ArStatementCycleAttribute13 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 13.
ArStatementCycleAttribute14 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 14.
ArStatementCycleAttribute15 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 15.
ArStatementCycleAttribute2 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 2.
ArStatementCycleAttribute3 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 3.
ArStatementCycleAttribute4 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 4.
ArStatementCycleAttribute5 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 5.
ArStatementCycleAttribute6 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 6.
ArStatementCycleAttribute7 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 7.
ArStatementCycleAttribute8 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 8.
ArStatementCycleAttribute9 A segment of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield 9.
ArStatementCycleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield.
ArStatementCycleCreatedBy The user who created the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleCreationDate The date and time the statement cycle was created.
ArStatementCycleDay The day of the month in the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleDescription The description of the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleInterval The statement cycle interval of weekly, monthly or quarterly.
ArStatementCycleLastUpdateDate The date and time the statement cycle was last updated.
ArStatementCycleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleName The name of the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a statement cycle to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArStatementCycleRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleStatementCycleId The identifier of the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleStatus The status of the statement cycle.