System Options

The system options view object contains information about receivables system options, including business unit, ledger, ledger currency, billing and revenue options, and cash processing options.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.SysParameterExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArSystemParameterOrgId

Initial Extract Date : ArSystemParameterCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArSystemParameterLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArSystemParameterAccountingMethod The lookup code for the system options accounting method.
ArSystemParameterAccrueInterest The option that indicates whether to allow accrued interest.
ArSystemParameterAcctDatesOutOfOrder The option that indicates how AutoInvoice processes document sequencing on transactions with accounting dates out of order. Valid values are: Adjust - adjust the transaction accounting date, Reject - reject the transaction.
ArSystemParameterAddressValidation The type of validation to use for addresses that are defined in the home country under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterAiAcctFlexKeyLeftPrompt The AutoInvoice accounting flexfield tuning segment. The segment name of one of the Accounting Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table.
ArSystemParameterAiActivateSqlTraceFlag The option that indicates whether to activate SQL trace in AutoInvoice.
ArSystemParameterAiLogFileMessageLevel The value that indicates the amount of detail to display in the AutoInvoice log file.
ArSystemParameterAiMaxMemoryInBytes The value that indicates the amount of memory to allocate to AutoInvoice validations.
ArSystemParameterAiMtlItemsKeyLeftPrompt The AutoInvoice system items flexfield tuning segment. The segment name of one of the System Items Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS table.
ArSystemParameterAiPurgeInterfaceTablesFlag The option that indicates whether AutoInvoice automatically purges successfully processed transactions from the AutoInvoice interface tables.
ArSystemParameterAiTerritoryKeyLeftPrompt The AutoInvoice sales territory flexfield tuning segment. The segment name of one of the Sales Territory Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the RA_TERRITORIES table.
ArSystemParameterAllowLateCharges The option that indicates whether late charges can be assessed on transactions under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterAllowPaymentDeletionFlag The option that indicates whether users can delete receipts and bills receivable under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterAttribute1 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 1.
ArSystemParameterAttribute10 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 10.
ArSystemParameterAttribute11 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 11.
ArSystemParameterAttribute12 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 12.
ArSystemParameterAttribute13 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 13.
ArSystemParameterAttribute14 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 14.
ArSystemParameterAttribute15 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 15.
ArSystemParameterAttribute2 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 2.
ArSystemParameterAttribute3 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 3.
ArSystemParameterAttribute4 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 4.
ArSystemParameterAttribute5 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 5.
ArSystemParameterAttribute6 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 6.
ArSystemParameterAttribute7 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 7.
ArSystemParameterAttribute8 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 8.
ArSystemParameterAttribute9 A segment of the System Options descriptive flexfield 9.
ArSystemParameterAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the System Options descriptive flexfield.
ArSystemParameterAutoRecInvoicesPerCommit The number of invoices that the Automatic Receipt program processes before saving.
ArSystemParameterAutoRecReceiptsPerCommit The number of receipts that the Automatic Receipt program processes before saving.
ArSystemParameterAutoSiteNumbering The option that indicates whether to use payment rules under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterAutoapplyFlag The option that indicates whether the business unit uses AutoApply.
ArSystemParameterAutocashHierarchyId The identifier of the default AutoCash rule set for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterAutomatchRerunDays The number of days AutoApply attempts to apply open receipts to transactions for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the default AutoMatch rule set for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterBaRemitBankAcctUseId The default remittance bank account to use for bank account transfer receipts under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterBillsReceivableEnabledFlag The option that indicates whether bills receivable functionality is enabled for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterBrDefaultBatchsourceSeqId The identifier of the default bills receivable transaction source for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterBrRemitWithoutRecourseFlag The option that indicates whether the bills receivable can be factored without recourse under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterCalcDiscountOnLinesFlag The discount basis amount to use amount to calculate discounts for payment terms under the business unit. Valid values are: Invoice Amount, Lines Only, Lines and Tax not Fright Items and Tax, and Lines, Freight Items, and Tax.
ArSystemParameterCalcTaxOnCreditMemoFlag The option that indicates whether tax is calculated on credit memos during AutoInvoice import.
ArSystemParameterCashBasisSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger used for cash basis accounting for this system options definition.
ArSystemParameterCcRemitBankAcctUseId The default remittance bank account to use for bank credit card receipts under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterCerDsoDays The number of day that sales are outstanding for the business unit, used by the Collections Effectiveness report.
ArSystemParameterCerSplitAmount The value the Collection Effectiveness report uses to divide transactions over and under the amount entered.
ArSystemParameterChangePrintedInvoiceFlag The option that indicates whether users can update transactions after they're printed.
ArSystemParameterCodeCombinationIdGain The account code combination of the realized gains account.
ArSystemParameterCodeCombinationIdLoss The account code combination of the realized losses account.
ArSystemParameterCodeCombinationIdRound The account code combination of the header rounding account.
ArSystemParameterConfirmThresholdAmt The threshold amount in the ledger currency above which automatic receipts require confirmation by the customer.
ArSystemParameterCreateDetailedDist The option that indicates whether multifund accounting is enabled for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterCreatedBy The user who created the system options.
ArSystemParameterCreationDate The date and time the system options was created.
ArSystemParameterCreditClassification1 The revenue policy value that defers revenue on transactions of customers that match the first credit classification in the hierarchy.
ArSystemParameterCreditClassification2 The revenue policy value that defers revenue on transactions of customers that match the second credit classification in the hierarchy.
ArSystemParameterCreditClassification3 The revenue policy value that defers revenue on transactions of customers that match the third credit classification in the hierarchy.
ArSystemParameterCrossCurrencyRateType The default conversion rate type to use for cross currency receipt applications under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterDefaultCbDueDate The default due date to assign to chargebacks created under this business unit. Valid values are: Deposit Date, Entered Date, Open Invoice Due Date, and Receipt Date.
ArSystemParameterDefaultCountry The name of the home country for the business unit. The country is assigned to remit-to addresses and is used by default in tax calculations.
ArSystemParameterDefaultGroupingRuleId The identifier of the default grouping rule to use when a grouping rule isn't assigned to the transaction source or customer profile.
ArSystemParameterDefaultTerritory The default Territory Flexfield for transactions under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterDocumentSeqGenLevel The option that indicates when to generate document numbers on transactions that use document sequencing. Valid values are: When Completed, When Saved, and None.
ArSystemParameterEmailBody The default text to use in the body of the email that accompanies the delivery of transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterEmailSubject The default text to use in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterEnableRecurringBillingFlag The option that indicates whether to enable recurring billing for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterExceptionAdjReasonCode The reason for the adjustment that the receipt application exception rule performs on overpayments and underpayments.
ArSystemParameterExceptionAdjRecTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity that the receipt application exception rule uses for adjustments to overpayments and underpayments.
ArSystemParameterExceptionPmtMethodCode The default refund payment method to use for the receipt application exception rule.
ArSystemParameterExceptionRuleId The identifier of the default receipt application exception rule to use for overpayments and underpayments.
ArSystemParameterExceptionWrtoffRecTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity that the receipt application exception rule uses for write-offs of overpayments and underpayments.
ArSystemParameterFinchrgReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity to use for late charges under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterFromEmailAddress The email address that sends transactions to customers using email.
ArSystemParameterFromEmailName The user name that sends transactions to customers using email.
ArSystemParameterFromPostalCode The default starting postal code range for sales tax rate assignments.
ArSystemParameterGenerateCustomerNumber The option that indicates whether customer numbers are generated automatically.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the System Options global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the System Options global descriptive flexfield.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the System Options Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the System Options Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the System Options Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the System Options Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the System Options Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber10 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber6 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber7 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber8 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber9 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArSystemParameterIncludeBuSubjectCode The option that indicates how to include the business unit name in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterIncludeStmtBuSubCode The option that indicates how to include the business unit name in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of statements using email.
ArSystemParameterIncludeStmtDateSubCode The option that indicates how to include the statement date in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of statements using email.
ArSystemParameterIncludeTrxnumSubjectCode The option that indicates how to include the transaction number in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterInclusiveTaxUsed The option that indicates whether the running totals in the Transactions Workbench Lines page are disabled.
ArSystemParameterInvoiceDeletionFlag The option that indicates whether users can delete incomplete transactions under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterIrecBaReceiptMethodId The default receipt method to use for bank account transfer receipts under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterIrecCcReceiptMethodId The default receipt method to use for credit card receipts under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterIrecServiceChargeRecTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity to use for service charges under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterItemValidationOrgId The identifier of the Item validation organization.
ArSystemParameterLastUpdateDate The date and time the system options were last updated.
ArSystemParameterLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the system options.
ArSystemParameterLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the system options.
ArSystemParameterLateChargeBatSourceSeqId The sequence identifier of the default late charge transaction source.
ArSystemParameterLateChargeBillingCalcMode The option that indicates the period to use to calculate the late charges on balance forward bills using the average daily balance. Valid values are: Run Date to Run Date and Bill Date to Run Date.
ArSystemParameterLateChargeDmTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the late charge debit memo transaction type.
ArSystemParameterLateChargeInvTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the late charge interest invoice transaction type.
ArSystemParameterLocationStructureId The identifier of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterLocationTaxAccount The default tax account to use for tax rate codes under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterLockboxMatchingOption1 The first match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
ArSystemParameterLockboxMatchingOption2 The second match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
ArSystemParameterLockboxMatchingOption3 The third match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
ArSystemParameterLockboxMatchingOption4 The fourth match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
ArSystemParameterMatchedClaimCreationFlag The option that indicates whether to create claims for matched reference numbers.
ArSystemParameterMatchedClaimExclCmFlag The option that indicates whether credit memos are excluded from claims creation.
ArSystemParameterMaxWrtoffAmount The maximum write-off amount limit per receipt to allow under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterMinRefundAmount The minimum refund amount in the ledger currency to allow under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterMinWrtoffAmount The minimum write-off amount limit per receipt to allow under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a system option to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArSystemParameterOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the system options.
ArSystemParameterPartialDiscountFlag The option that indicates whether discounts on partial payments are available under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterPayUnrelatedInvoicesFlag The option that indicates whether any customer account can pay for the open debit items of any other customer account under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterPaymentApplicationRule The option that indicates whether receipt applications are at the header level or line level.
ArSystemParameterPaymentThreshold The maximum number of days allowed for full payment under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterPenaltyRecTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity to use for penalty charges under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterPopulateGlSegmentsFlag The option that indicates whether the General Ledger Transfer Program populates segments in the GL_INTERFACE table under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterPostBillingItemInclusion The option that indicates whether to include or exclude as part of the late charge balance calculation any debit items that were billed after the most recently generated balance forward bill.
ArSystemParameterPostingDaysPerCycle The number of posting days to use per commit cycle in the posting program under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterPrintHomeCountryFlag The option that indicates whether to print the home country on transactions and statements that refer to addresses in that country.
ArSystemParameterPrintRemitTo The option that indicates whether to print the remit-to address on customer statements.
ArSystemParameterReplyToEmailAddress The reply-to email address for customers to use that receive transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterRevTransferClearCcid The identifier of the code combination of the clearing account for revenue transfers.
ArSystemParameterRuleSetId The identifier of the default application rule set under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterRunGlJournalImportFlag The option that indicates whether to automatically run the General Ledger Journal Import process when posting under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterSalesCreditPctLimit The revenue adjustment percentage limit of combined revenue and nonrevenue sales credits per salesperson per transaction line.
ArSystemParameterSalesTaxGeocode The unique code that identifies a tax jurisdiction for tax calculation and reporting purposes.
ArSystemParameterSalesrepRequiredFlag The option that indicates whether to assign salespersons to transactions.
ArSystemParameterServicedByAnyBuFlag The option that indicates whether this business unit allows payments for its transactions processed by any other business unit under the same primary ledger.
ArSystemParameterSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger for this system options definition.
ArSystemParameterSiteRequiredFlag The option that indicates whether a receipt must have a bill-to site.
ArSystemParameterStandardRefund The maximum number of days allowed for a refund under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterStmtEmailBody The default text to use in the body of the email that accompanies the delivery of statements using email.
ArSystemParameterStmtEmailSubject The default text to use in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of statements using email.
ArSystemParameterStmtFromEmailAddress The email address that sends statements to customers using email.
ArSystemParameterStmtFromEmailName The user name that sends statements to customers using email.
ArSystemParameterStmtReplyToEmailAddress The reply-to email address for customers to use that receive statements using email.
ArSystemParameterTaInstalledFlag The option that indicates whether Trade Accounting is enabled.
ArSystemParameterTaxAllowCompoundFlag The option that indicates whether tax compounding is used on transactions under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxCode The default tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxCurrencyCode The default tax reporting currency for the business unit. When specified, tax amounts are rounded using the tax precision and minimum accountable unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxDatabaseViewSet The system options tax database view set.
ArSystemParameterTaxEnforceAccountFlag The option that indicates whether the tax rate code associated with a revenue account is used on the invoice line.
ArSystemParameterTaxHeaderLevelFlag The option that indicates whether tax header level rounding is enabled. When enabled, tax is rounded per transaction per tax rate.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierAccountExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a revenue account tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierCustExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a customer tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierProdExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a item level tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierSiteExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a customer site tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierSystemExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for the system options tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxInvoicePrint The option that indicates the method used to print tax amounts on transactions.
ArSystemParameterTaxMethod The type of tax method to use. Valid values are Sales Tax and Value Added Tax.
ArSystemParameterTaxMinimumAccountableUnit The tax currency minimum accountable unit for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxPrecision The tax currency precision for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxRegistrationNumber The tax registration number that's printed on customer transactions that are charged tax for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxRoundingAllowOverride The option that indicates whether to apply different tax rounding parameters to an individual tax.
ArSystemParameterTaxRoundingRule The tax rounding rule that specifies how tax amounts are rounded on transactions.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseAccountExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate code defined for a revenue account.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseCustExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate code defined for the customer.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseCustomerExemptFlag The option that indicates whether customer tax exemptions are included when calculating tax on transactions.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseLocExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined for products based on the customer ship-to address.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseProdExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined for specific products.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseProductExemptFlag The option that indicates whether item tax exemptions are included when calculating tax on transactions.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseSiteExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined for the customer transaction business purpose.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseSystemExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined at the System Options level.
ArSystemParameterToPostalCode The default ending postal code range for sales tax rate assignments.
ArSystemParameterTrxHeaderLevelRounding The option that indicates whether Header Level Rounding is enabled for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTrxHeaderRoundCcid The identifier of the account code combination of the header rounding account.
ArSystemParameterUnallocatedRevenueCcid The identifier of the account code combination of the unallocated revenue account.
ArSystemParameterUnearnedDiscount The option that indicates whether to allow unearned discounts on transactions under this business unit.