Transaction Distribution

The transaction distribution view object contains accounting records for revenue, unearned revenue, and unbilled receivables for each invoice or credit memo line. At least one distribution must exist for each invoice or credit memo line. The AMOUNT column is required even though null is allowed. If a transaction has a transaction type where Post to GL is No, GL_DATE is set to null. If AutoAccounting is unable to complete the default accounts using AutoAccounting rules, incomplete general ledger accounts are stored in the CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS column. When importing a transaction with an accounting date in a closed accounting period, AutoInvoice uses the accounting date of the first open period. An account set, indicated by ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG, shows how distributions should be created and the percentage of the distribution allocated to each account. For invoices with rules, distributions are created when the Recognize Revenue process is run.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.TransactionDistributionExtractPVO

Primary Keys : RaCustTrxLineGlDistCustTrxLineGlDistId

Initial Extract Date : RaCustTrxLineGlDistCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : RaCustTrxLineGlDistLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAccountClass The distribution account class of the transaction. Examples include Freight, Receivable, Revenue, AutoInvoice Clearing, Tax, Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue, and Charges.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAccountSetFlag The option that indicates whether this is an account set record. Valid values are Y and N.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAcctdAmount The amount of the transaction in the ledger currency.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAmount The amount of the transaction in the entered currency.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 12.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 13.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 14.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 15.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 6.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 7.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 8.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 9.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCodeCombinationId The identifier of the transaction line distribution General Ledger code combination.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCollectedTaxCcid The identifier of the transaction line distribution tax liability account code combination. This account records the total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to a tax authority as the result of a taxable event.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCollectedTaxConcatSeg The identifier of the code combination of the accounting flexfield for the tax liability account. This account records the total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to a tax authority as the result of a taxable event.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistComments The comments about the transaction line revenue distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistConcatenatedSegments The transaction line distribution of the revenue account.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCreatedBy The user who created the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCreationDate The date and time the transaction line distribution was created.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCustTrxLineGlDistId The identifier of the transaction line revenue distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCustTrxLineSalesrepId The identifier of the salesperson assigned to the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistEventId The identifier of the subledger accounting event.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistGlDate The date the transaction line was accounted.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistGlPostedDate The date the transaction line was posted.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction line accounting distribution was last updated.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction line accounting distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction line accounting distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLatestRecFlag The column that identifies the latest record in this table with an ACCOUNT_CLASS of REC. Valid values are: Y - latest REC record, N - not the latest REC record, Null - not a REC record. You can only have one Y for each CUSTOMER_TRX_ID.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the transaction line distribution row since it was queried.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistOriginalGlDate The original accounting date derived by the Recognize Revenue process.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistPercent The percentage of the transaction line distribution amount represented by this record.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistPostRequestId The identifier of the batch that posted the transaction.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistPostingControlId The identifier of the Receivables posting batch. Valid values are: -1, -2, and -4 if posted in previous releases, or -3 if not posted.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRecOffsetFlag The option that indicates the offset to the REC account. Valid values are: Y - An UNBILL or UNEARN line paired with the transaction REC row, Null - Either another line type or an UNBILL or UNEARN line paired with a REV line.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRevAdjClassTemp The temporary lookup code that indicates the type of adjusted revenue.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRevenueAdjustmentId The identifier of the revenue adjustment.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRoundingCorrectionFlag The option that indicates whether a rounding correction was made to the transaction line.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the distribution line.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistTransferToCosting The option that indicates whether to transfer transaction lines to Costing. Valid values are: N - transfer lines to Costing, NULL - lines already transferred to Costing.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistUserGeneratedFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line distribution is user-defined or system generated.