Transaction Headers

The Transaction Headers view object contains information about Assets transactions, such as additions, adjustments, transfers, full retirements, partial retirements, and reinstatements.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.FaBiccExtractAM.TransactionHeaderExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TransactionHeaderTransactionHeaderId

Initial Extract Date : TransactionHeaderCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TransactionHeaderLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TransactionHeaderAmortizationStartDate The date from which the amortization calculation begins for an asset transaction.
TransactionHeaderAssetId Identifier of the asset number.
TransactionHeaderAttribute1 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute10 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute11 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute12 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute13 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute14 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute15 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute2 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute3 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute4 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute5 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute6 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute7 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute8 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttribute9 A segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderBatchName User-defined batch name used for processing mass transactions.
TransactionHeaderBookTypeCode Unique book identification name.
TransactionHeaderCallingInterface The source interface from which the transaction was created.
TransactionHeaderConventionTypeId Identifier for the prorate convention.
TransactionHeaderCreatedBy The user who created the row in the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderCreationDate The date and time of the creation of the row in the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderDateEffective Date on which the asset transaction becomes effective.
TransactionHeaderEventId Unique identifier of the transaction event that is associated with the Transaction Headers table for accounting purposes.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderInvoiceTransactionId Unique identifier of the invoice transaction.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdateDate The date of the most recent change.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the row in the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderMassReferenceId The request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderMassTransactionId Identifier of the mass transaction that invoked the transaction if it is part of a mass transaction.
TransactionHeaderMemberTransactionHeaderId Identifier of the member asset transaction that spawned this transaction for the group asset.
TransactionHeaderObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Transaction Header row has been updated.
TransactionHeaderProrateDate The date from which the depreciation charge is effective for the asset transaction.
TransactionHeaderSourceTransactionHeaderId Unique identifier for a transaction.
TransactionHeaderTransactionDateEntered The date on which the transaction is entered.
TransactionHeaderTransactionHeaderId Unique identifier of the asset transaction.
TransactionHeaderTransactionKey A subclassification of an asset transaction. For example, amortized, expensed, or impairment.
TransactionHeaderTransactionName Name of the transaction.
TransactionHeaderTransactionSubtype A subclassification of events that an asset can face during its life.
TransactionHeaderTransactionTypeCode A classification of events that can occur during an asset's life. For example, additions, adjustments, or retirements.
TransactionHeaderTrxReferenceId Unique identifier of the mass transaction.