Transaction Line Revenue Deferral

The transaction line revenue deferral view object contains information about transaction line revenue deferrals, including transaction, transaction line, line collectibility, manual adjustment override of original amount due, amount of recognized revenue, amount recognized in the ledger currency, amount pending, and amount pending in the ledger currency. It records invoice status changes, as invoices move through the revenue management lifecycle.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.TransactionLineRevenueDeferralExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArDeferredLineCustomerTrxLineId

Initial Extract Date : ArDeferredLineCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArDeferredLineLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArDeferredLineAcctdAmountDueOriginal The transaction line revenue deferral original amount due in the ledger currency.
ArDeferredLineAcctdAmountPending The transaction line revenue deferral amount pending in the ledger currency.
ArDeferredLineAcctdAmountRecognized The transaction line revenue deferral amount recognized in the ledger currency.
ArDeferredLineAmountDueOriginal The transaction line revenue deferral original amount due.
ArDeferredLineAmountPending The transaction line revenue deferral original amount pending.
ArDeferredLineAmountRecognized The transaction line revenue deferral recognized revenue amount.
ArDeferredLineAttribute1 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 1.
ArDeferredLineAttribute10 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 10.
ArDeferredLineAttribute11 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 11.
ArDeferredLineAttribute12 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 12.
ArDeferredLineAttribute13 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 13.
ArDeferredLineAttribute14 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 14.
ArDeferredLineAttribute15 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 15.
ArDeferredLineAttribute2 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 2.
ArDeferredLineAttribute3 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 3.
ArDeferredLineAttribute4 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 4.
ArDeferredLineAttribute5 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 5.
ArDeferredLineAttribute6 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 6.
ArDeferredLineAttribute7 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 7.
ArDeferredLineAttribute8 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 8.
ArDeferredLineAttribute9 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 9.
ArDeferredLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield.
ArDeferredLineCreatedBy The user who created the transaction line revenue deferral.
ArDeferredLineCreationDate The date and time the transaction line revenue deferral was created.
ArDeferredLineCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction line revenue deferral transaction.
ArDeferredLineCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line revenue deferral transaction line.
ArDeferredLineLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction line revenue deferral was last updated.
ArDeferredLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction line revenue deferral.
ArDeferredLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction line revenue deferral.
ArDeferredLineLineCollectibleFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line revenue deferral line is currently collectible.
ArDeferredLineManualOverrideFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line revenue deferral can be adjusted manually.
ArDeferredLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction line revenue deferral to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArDeferredLineOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated to the transaction line revenue deferral line.
ArDeferredLineOriginalCollectibilityFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line revenue deferral line was originally collectible.
ArDeferredLineParentLineId The identifier of the transaction line revenue deferral parent line.
ArDeferredLineRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the transaction line revenue deferral line.