Transaction Line

The transaction line view object contains line information about invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and bills receivable. Line information includes item, description, memo line, quantity, unit price, amount, sales order, and tax. Quantity ordered and quantity invoiced are the same for manually entered invoices. Quantity ordered, quantity invoiced, unit standard price, and unit selling price can be different for imported invoices. Description, tax rule, quantity ordered, UOM code, unit standard price, and unit selling price are required. Credit memos, except on-account credits, must have a PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID value.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.TransactionLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : RaCustomerTrxLineCustomerTrxLineId

Initial Extract Date : RaCustomerTrxLineCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : RaCustomerTrxLineLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLineAccountingRuleDuration The number of periods over which revenue is recognized for the revenue scheduling rule on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAccountingRuleId The identifier of the revenue scheduling rule on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAcctdAmountDueOriginal The accounted amount of the original balance due on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAcctdAmountDueRemaining The accounted amount of the remaining balance due on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAmountDueOriginal The original balance due on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAmountDueRemaining The remaining balance due on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAmountIncludesTaxFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line amount is tax inclusive. Valid values are: Yes - line amount is inclusive of tax, No - line amount isn't inclusive of tax, and NULL - you can't override the tax or tax group. The value can't be NULL for tax types.
RaCustomerTrxLineAssessableValue The assessable value used as the taxable base amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 12.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 13.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 14.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 15.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 6.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 7.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 8.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield 9.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxLineAuthCompleteFlag The option that indicates whether the credit check authorization is complete for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAuthorizationNumber The credit check authorization number linked to the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAutoruleCompleteFlag The option that indicates whether AutoAccounting has created all distributions on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAutoruleDurationProcessed The number of times revenue recognition has created distributions for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAutotax The option that indicates whether the tax line on the transaction line was generated automatically by the tax engine.
RaCustomerTrxLineBillPlanLineId The identifier of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineBillingPeriodEndDate The end date of the billing period of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineBillingPeriodStartDate The start date of the billing period of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineBrAdjustmentId The identifier of a non-accounting adjustment created when a bill receivable is applied to another bill receivable.
RaCustomerTrxLineBrRefCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction to which the bill receivable is applied.
RaCustomerTrxLineBrRefPaymentScheduleId The identifier of the transaction installment to which the bill receivable is applied.
RaCustomerTrxLineChrgAcctdAmountRemaining The accounted charge amount remaining for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineChrgAmountRemaining The charge amount remaining for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineCommercialDiscount The commercial discount extended to the customer for the purchase of the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineContractEndDate The contract end date of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineContractLineId The identifier of the contract line from Oracle Contracts Core for the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineContractStartDate The contract start date of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineCreatedBy The user who created the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineCreationDate The date and time the transaction line was created.
RaCustomerTrxLineCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction that the transaction line belongs to.
RaCustomerTrxLineCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the Receivable transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineDefaultUssglTransactionCode The default value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineDefaultUssglTrxCodeContext The default context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineDeferralExclusionFlag The option that excludes the transaction line from revenue deferral.
RaCustomerTrxLineDescription The description of the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar1 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar2 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar3 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar4 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar5 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt1 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt2 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line integer 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt3 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt4 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt5 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineExtendedAcctdAmount The total accounted amount of a transaction line in the entered currency including tax, if applicable
RaCustomerTrxLineExtendedAmount The total amount of a transaction line in the entered currency including tax, if applicable
RaCustomerTrxLineFairMarketValueAmount The fair market value amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFinalDischargeLocationId The identifier of the final destination location of the goods shipped. The final destination location isn't always the same as the initial ship-to location.
RaCustomerTrxLineFreightCharge The freight amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtAdjAcctdRemaining The freight adjusted accounted amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtAdjRemaining The freight adjusted remaining amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtEdAcctdAmount The earned accounted discount on freight assigned to the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtEdAmount The earned discount on freight assigned to the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtUnedAcctdAmount The unearned accounted discount on freight assigned to the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtUnedAmount The unearned discount on freight assigned to the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 12.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 13.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 14.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 15.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 16.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 17.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 18.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 19.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 20.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 6.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 7.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 8.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 9.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineGrossExtendedAmount The total line amount inclusive of tax.
RaCustomerTrxLineGrossUnitSellingPrice The transaction line gross unit price inclusive of tax.
RaCustomerTrxLineHistoricalFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line exists prior to Release 12. Valid values are Yes, No, or Null.
RaCustomerTrxLineInitialCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the initial transaction line of the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxLineInsuranceCharge The amount of insurance charged to the customer for the sale of the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterestLineId The unique identifier of the late charge interest line. This is a foreign key of the late charge view object.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute1 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute10 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 10.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute11 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 11.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute12 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 12.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute13 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 13.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute14 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 14.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute15 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 15.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute2 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute3 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute4 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute5 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute6 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 6.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute7 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 7.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute8 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 8.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute9 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 9.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineContext The interface line context for InterfaceHeaderContext.
RaCustomerTrxLineInventoryItemId The identifier of the inventory item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineInvoicedLineAcctgLevel The identifier of the accounting level for transaction lines eligible for invoicing in the legacy system.
RaCustomerTrxLineItemContext The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxLineItemExceptionRateId The identifier of the tax exception rate assigned to the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLastPeriodToCredit The last period to credit on a credit memo that uses the Unit revenue reversal rule against a transaction line that uses a revenue scheduling rule.
RaCustomerTrxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLineIntendedUse The product intended use fiscal classification used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLineNumber The transaction line number.
RaCustomerTrxLineLineRecoverable The recoverable tax amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLineType The transaction line type. Valid values are Line, Tax, Freight, and Charges.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToCustTrxLineId The link to the transaction line identifier.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute1 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute10 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 10.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute11 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 11.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute12 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 12.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute13 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 13.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute14 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 14.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute15 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 15.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute2 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute3 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute4 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute5 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute6 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 6.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute7 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 7.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute8 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 8.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute9 The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 9.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineContext The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineContext.
RaCustomerTrxLineLocationSegmentId This column points to the record in the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table from which AutoAccounting derived the tax account for this line.
RaCustomerTrxLineMemoLineSeqId The sequence identifier of the transaction memo line.
RaCustomerTrxLineMiscellaneousCharge The additional amount charged for the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineMovementId The identifier of the Intrastat movement.
RaCustomerTrxLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction line to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaCustomerTrxLineOrgId The identifier of the transaction line business unit.
RaCustomerTrxLineOverrideAutoAccountingFlag The option that indicates whether the user can override the default accounting created by AutoAccounting.
RaCustomerTrxLinePackingCharge The packing amount charge on the transaction line item.
RaCustomerTrxLinePaymentSetId The identifier of the prepayment application payment set.
RaCustomerTrxLinePaymentTrxnExtensionId The identifier of the Payments transaction extension for processing a credit card or bank account transfer payment.
RaCustomerTrxLinePreviousCustomerTrxId The identifier of the customer transaction against which the credit memo line is created.
RaCustomerTrxLinePreviousCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the customer transaction line against which the credit memo line is created.
RaCustomerTrxLineProductCategory The non-inventory-based product category used in tax determination for a transaction line item that's not an inventory item.
RaCustomerTrxLineProductFiscClassification The product fiscal classification used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineProductType The product type of the transaction line item. Valid values are Goods and Services.
RaCustomerTrxLineProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineQuantityCredited The quantity credited on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineQuantityInvoiced The quantity billed on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineQuantityOrdered The quantity ordered on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRaCustomerTrxLineUnitSellingPrice The unit selling price on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineReasonCode The transaction line reason code.
RaCustomerTrxLineRecurringBillFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line was generated by a recurring bill plan. Valid values are Y, N, Null. Null is the same as N.
RaCustomerTrxLineRecurringBillPlanId The unique identifier of the recurring bill plan associated with the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxLineRecurringBillPlanLineId The unique identifier of the recurring bill plan associated with the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRequestId The identifier of the request that created or last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRequiresManualScheduling The option that indicates the transaction line requires manual revenue scheduling.
RaCustomerTrxLineRevenueAmount The revenue amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRuleEndDate The date the revenue scheduling rule expires on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRuleStartDate The start date of the revenue scheduling rule on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineSalesOrder The transaction line sales order.
RaCustomerTrxLineSalesOrderDate The transaction line sales order date.
RaCustomerTrxLineSalesOrderLine The transaction line sales order line.
RaCustomerTrxLineSalesOrderSource The source of the sales order on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToAddressId The identifier of the ship-to address on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToContactId The identifier of the ship-to contact on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToCustomerId The identifier of the ship-to customer on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToPartyAddressId The identifier of the ship-to party address on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToPartyContactId The identifier of the ship-to party contact on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToPartyId The identifier of the ship-to party on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToPartySiteUseId The identifier of the ship-to party site use on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToSiteUseId The identifier of the ship-to site use on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey1 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey2 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey3 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey4 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey5 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDocumentLineId The identifier of the source document line on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDocumentLineNumber The source document line number on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxAction The Tax Action values used by the Tax API to calculate taxes on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxClassificationCode The tax classification code on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptFlag The option that indicates the status of the tax exemption on the transaction line. Valid values are R - Require, E - Exempt, and S - Standard.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptNumber The tax exemption certificate number of the customer on a transaction line with the status Exempt.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptReasonCode The tax exemption reason of the customer on a transaction line with the status Exempt.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxInvoiceDate The date the fiscal document was generated on the transaction line during the shipment of goods.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxInvoiceNumber The fiscal document number generated on the transaction line during the shipment of goods.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxLineId The identifier of the detail tax line on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxPrecedence The number that indicates the compounding precedence of a tax on the transaction line to define the order in which this tax is calculated in the compounding process.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxRate The tax rate on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxRecoverable The total recoverable tax amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxVendorReturnCode The warning code returned during the calculation of sales tax on the transaction line, used for diagnostics and support.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxableAmount The portion of the transaction line amount that the tax rate is applied to for the calculation of taxes on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTranslatedDescription The translated description on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTrxBusinessCategory The transaction business category code used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineUnitStandardPrice The unit price of the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineUomCode The unit of measure on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineUserDefinedFiscClass The user-defined fiscal classification used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineVatTaxId The unique identifier of VAT tax on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineWarehouseId The unique identifier of the ship-from location of an inventory item on the transaction line, used to determine tax liability. This is a foreign key of the warehouse view object.
RaCustomerTrxLineWhUpdateDate The date the inventory item on the transaction line is shipped from the warehouse.