Transaction Source

The transaction source view object contains information about transaction sources, including transaction source set, legal entity, source type, active date, automatic transaction numbering, last transaction number, receipt handling for credits, and credit transaction source. It stores information about invoice and credit memo transaction sources. Transaction sources are used to assign a default transaction type during invoice entry and to determine invoice, batch, and credit memo numbering. The STATUS, CREDIT_MEMO_BATCH_SOURCE_ID, AUTO_BATCH_NUMBERING, and AUTO_TRX_NUMBERING columns are required.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.TransactionBatchSourceExtractPVO

Primary Keys : RaBatchSourceBatchSourceSeqId

Initial Extract Date : RaBatchSourceCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : RaBatchSourceLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
RaBatchSourceAccountingFlexfieldRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes accounting flexfield information on transaction lines. Valid values are Segment and ID.
RaBatchSourceAccountingRuleRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the revenue scheduling rule on transaction lines. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceAgreementRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes agreement information. Valid values are Value, ID, or None.
RaBatchSourceAllowDuplicateTrxNumFlag The option on a manual transaction source that indicates whether duplicate transaction numbers are allowed.
RaBatchSourceAllowSalesCreditFlag The option on an imported transaction source that indicates whether AutoInvoice passes sales credit information on imported transaction lines.
RaBatchSourceAttribute1 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 1.
RaBatchSourceAttribute10 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 10.
RaBatchSourceAttribute11 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 11.
RaBatchSourceAttribute12 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 12.
RaBatchSourceAttribute13 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 13.
RaBatchSourceAttribute14 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 14.
RaBatchSourceAttribute15 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 15.
RaBatchSourceAttribute2 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 2.
RaBatchSourceAttribute3 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 3.
RaBatchSourceAttribute4 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 4.
RaBatchSourceAttribute5 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 5.
RaBatchSourceAttribute6 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 6.
RaBatchSourceAttribute7 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 7.
RaBatchSourceAttribute8 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 8.
RaBatchSourceAttribute9 A segment of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield 9.
RaBatchSourceAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield.
RaBatchSourceAutoBatchNumberingFlag The option on the transaction source that indicates whether transaction batch numbering is automatic.
RaBatchSourceAutoTrxNumberingFlag The option on the transaction source that indicates whether transaction numbering is automatic.
RaBatchSourceBatchSourceId The identifier of the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceBatchSourceSeqId The sequence identifier of the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceBatchSourceType The source type of the transaction source. Valid values are Manual and Imported.
RaBatchSourceBillAddressRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the bill-to customer address on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceBillContactRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the bill-to customer contact on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceBillCustomerRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the bill-to customer name on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceCmBatchSourceSeqId The sequence identifier of the credit memo transaction source assigned to the invoice transaction source.
RaBatchSourceControlTrxCompletionFlag Indicates whether control of transaction completion is enabled on the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceCopyDocNumberFlag The option on the transaction source that indicates whether transactions that use document sequences assign the document number as the transaction number.
RaBatchSourceCopyInvTidffToCmFlag The option on a manual credit memo transaction source that indicates whether to copy the invoice transaction flexfield reference information to the credit memo that's crediting the invoice.
RaBatchSourceCreateClearingFlag The option on an imported transaction source that indicates whether AutoInvoice uses the AutoInvoice clearing account to store differences between the specified revenue amount and the standard calculated amount on transaction lines.
RaBatchSourceCreatedBy The user who created the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceCreationDate The date and time the transaction source was created.
RaBatchSourceCreditMemoBatchSourceId The identifier of the credit memo transaction source entered on an invoice transaction source that's used by default to credit the invoices created with the invoice transaction source.
RaBatchSourceCustTrxTypeRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the transaction type on transaction lines. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceCustomerBankAccountRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the customer bank account on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceDefaultInvTrxType The identifier of the transaction type entered on the transaction source that's assigned by default to transactions created with the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceDefaultInvTrxTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the transaction type entered on the transaction source that's assigned by default to transactions created with the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceDefaultReference The reference information entered on the transaction source that's captured in the transaction flexfield of transactions created with the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceDeriveDateFlag The option on an imported transaction source that indicates whether AutoInvoice derives the accounting date on a transaction line instead of using a default date.
RaBatchSourceDescription The description of the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceEndDate The end date of the active transaction source.
RaBatchSourceFobPointRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes FOB information on the transaction line. Valid values are Code and None.
RaBatchSourceGlDatePeriodRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice processes transaction lines with an accounting date in a closed period. Valid values are Reject and Adjust.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 10.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 11.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 12.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 13.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 14.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 15.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 16.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 17.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 18.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 19.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 20.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 6.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 7.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 8.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield 9.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Transaction Source Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Transaction Source Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Transaction Source Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Transaction Source Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Transaction Source Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Transaction Source Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the Transaction Source Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the Transaction Source Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the Transaction Source Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the Transaction Source Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaBatchSourceGroupingRuleId The identifier of the AutoInvoice grouping rule on an imported transaction source that's assigned by default to transaction lines.
RaBatchSourceInvalidLinesRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice processes imported transactions with invalid lines. Valid values are: Reject Invoice - reject the transaction and its lines, and Create Invoice - create the transaction with valid lines only.
RaBatchSourceInvalidTaxRateRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice processes imported transaction lines with invalid tax rate codes.
RaBatchSourceInventoryItemRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes inventory item information on the transaction line. Valid values are Segment, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceInvoicingRuleRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes invoicing rule information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceLastBatchNum The last transaction number previously generated, used to determine the starting number for automatic transaction numbering on new transactions created by the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction source was last updated.
RaBatchSourceLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceLegalEntityId The default legal entity assigned to transactions with this transaction source.
RaBatchSourceMemoLineRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes memo line rule information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceMemoReasonRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes memo reason information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceName The name of the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction source to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaBatchSourceReceiptHandlingOption The option on a credit memo transaction source that indicates how credit memo applications against paid invoices are managed. Valid values are Refund and On Account.
RaBatchSourceReceiptMethodRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes receipt method information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceRelatedDocumentRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes related document information on the transaction line. Valid values are Number, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceRevAccAllocationRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the revenue account allocation on the transaction line. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
RaBatchSourceSalesCreditRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the sales credit allocation on the transaction line. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
RaBatchSourceSalesCreditTypeRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes sales credit type information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceSalesTerritoryRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes sales territory information on the transaction line. Valid values are Segment, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceSalespersonRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes salesperson information on the transaction line. Valid values are Number and ID.
RaBatchSourceSetId The identifier of the transaction source reference set.
RaBatchSourceShipAddressRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes ship-to address information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceShipContactRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes ship-to contact information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceShipCustomerRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes ship-to customer information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceShipViaRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes freight information on the transaction line. Valid values are Code and None.
RaBatchSourceSoldCustomerRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes sold-to customer information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceStartDate The start date of the active transaction source.
RaBatchSourceStatus The status of the transaction source. A list of accepted values is defined in the CODE_STATUS lookup type.
RaBatchSourceTermRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes payment terms information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceUnitOfMeasureRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes unit of measure information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.