Transaction Type

The transaction type view object contains information about transaction types, including transaction type set, legal entity, transaction type name, description, transaction class, transaction status, from date, creation sign, generate bill option, invoice type, credit memo type, application rule set, and payment terms. It contains every transaction type used for invoices, bills receivable, and credit memos. The ACCOUNTING_AFFECT_FLAG column indicates if the transaction can update open receivables balances. If it's Y, the transaction appears in aging. Each row includes AutoAccounting information, as well as standard defaults for the transaction that results. If AutoAccounting is based on the transaction type, the GL_ID_REV, GL_ID_FREIGHT, and GL_ID_REC columns store the default revenue, freight, and receivables accounts. The STATUS and CREDIT_MEMO_TYPE_ID columns are required.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.TransactionTypeExtractPVO

Primary Keys : RaCustTrxTypeCustTrxTypeSeqId

Initial Extract Date : RaCustTrxTypeCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : RaCustTrxTypeLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
RaCustTrxTypeAccountingAffectFlag The option that indicates whether customer balances are updated each time a transaction is completed with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeAllocateTaxFreight The option that indicates how tax and freight is allocated on transactions with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeAllowFreightFlag The option that indicates whether to include freight charges in the accounting for transactions with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeAllowFutureAcctDateFlag The option that indicates whether a future accounting date is allowed on a transaction with this transaction type when chronological document sequencing is enabled on the ledger.
RaCustTrxTypeAllowOverapplicationFlag The option that indicates whether applications against a transaction with this transaction type can exceed the balance due.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute1 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute10 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute11 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute12 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 12.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute13 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 13.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute14 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 14.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute15 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 15.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute2 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute3 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute4 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute5 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute6 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 6.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute7 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 7.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute8 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 8.
RaCustTrxTypeAttribute9 A segment of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield 9.
RaCustTrxTypeAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield.
RaCustTrxTypeControlCompletionLevelCode Lookup codes under the ORA_AR_CNTRL_COMPLETION_LEVEL lookup type that determine the level of control of transaction completion enabled on the transaction type. Valid values are NEGATIVE_LINE_AMT, ALL, NONE.
RaCustTrxTypeCreatedBy The user who created the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeCreationDate The date and time the transaction type was created.
RaCustTrxTypeCreationSign The option that indicates the sign of entered amounts on transactions that use this transaction type. Valid values are: Any Sign, Negative Sign, and Positive Sign.
RaCustTrxTypeCreditMemoTypeId The identifier of the credit memo transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeCreditMemoTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the credit memo transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeCustTrxTypeId The identifier of the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeCustTrxTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeDefaultPrintingOption The option that indicates whether transactions created with this transaction type are enabled by default for printing.
RaCustTrxTypeDefaultStatus The default status of the transaction type. Valid values are: Null, Closed, Open, Pending, and Void.
RaCustTrxTypeDefaultTerm The default payment terms assigned to transactions created with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeDescription The transaction type description.
RaCustTrxTypeDocumentType The document category created for this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeDraweeIssuedFlag The option on a bills receivable transaction type that indicates whether the drawee issues the bills receivable transaction.
RaCustTrxTypeEndDate The transaction type end date.
RaCustTrxTypeExcludeFromLateCharges The option that indicates whether transactions created with this transaction type are exempt from late charges.
RaCustTrxTypeFormatProgramId The identifier of the program on a bills receivable transaction type used to format bills receivable.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 12.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 13.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 14.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 15.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 16.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 17.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 18.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 19.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 20.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 6.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 7.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 8.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield 9.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Transaction Type Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Transaction Type Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Transaction Type Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Transaction Type Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Transaction Type Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Transaction Type Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the Transaction Type Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the Transaction Type Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the Transaction Type Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the Transaction Type Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustTrxTypeLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction type was last updated.
RaCustTrxTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeLegalEntityId The identifier of the default legal entity assigned to transactions with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeMagneticFormatCode The code on a bills receivable transaction type used to distinguish between accepted bills receivable, promissory notes, and unsigned bills receivable.
RaCustTrxTypeName The name of the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeNaturalApplicationOnlyFlag The option that indicates whether applications against a transaction with this transaction type can only reduce or equal the balance due but not exceed the balance due.
RaCustTrxTypeObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction type to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaCustTrxTypePostToGl The option that indicates whether transactions with this transaction type are posted to general ledger.
RaCustTrxTypeRuleSetId The identifier of the application rule set assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeSetId The identifier of the reference set assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeSignedFlag The option on a bills receivable transaction type that indicates whether the drawee needs to accept the bills receivable transaction before it's completed.
RaCustTrxTypeStartDate The transaction type start date.
RaCustTrxTypeStatus The status of the transaction type. A list of accepted values is defined in the CODE_STATUS lookup type.
RaCustTrxTypeSubsequentTrxTypeId The identifier of the invoice type assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeSubsequentTrxTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the invoice type assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeTaxCalculationFlag The option that indicates whether tax is allowed on transactions created with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeType The transaction class of the transaction type. Valid values are: Bills receivable, Chargeback, Credit Memo, Debit Memo, and Invoice.