Aging Reports

Using collections aging reports you can list your customer's open transactions information which can help you in creating collection strategies and tasks.You can view all your customer's open transactions based on the aging buckets you have defined.

Here are the types of aging report you can create:

Aging 4 Bucket Report

In this report, you can view your customer's open transaction information based on the four bucket aging method.

This image shows a sample of Collections Aging 4 Bucket Report.

This graphic illustrates the Aging 4 Bucket Report.

Report Parameters

This table shows all the required parameters for creating Collections Aging 4 Bucket Report:

Parameter Name


Aging Bucket Method

Either Staged or Aged, based on your company setup.

Order By

Select by Customer or Transaction Type.

Report Summary

Yes to display in summary, No to display in detail.

Show Open Credits

Yes or No to display open credits.

Show Receipts At Risk

Yes or No to display receipts at risk.

Aging by Collector 7 Bucket Report

In this report, you can view your customer's open transaction information by collector using the seven bucket aging method.

This image shows a sample of Collections Aging by Collector 7 Bucket Report.

This graphic illustrates the Aging 7 Bucket Report.

Report Parameters

This table shows all the required parameters for creating Collections Aging by Collector 7 Bucket Report:

Parameter Name


Aging Bucket Method

Either Staged or Aged, based on your company setup.

As-of Accounting Date

Period start date for the report.

Order By

Select by Customer or Transaction Type.

Report Format

Select the format such as HTML, PDF, or Excel.

Report Summary

Yes to display in summary, No to display in detail.

Aging by Common Currency Report

In this report, you can view all open transaction information converted to one common currency for all Business Units or a specific Business Unit.

This image shows a sample of Aging by Common Currency Report

This graphic illustrates the Aging by Common Currency Report.

Report Parameters

This table shows all the required parameters for creating Aging by Common Currency Report:



Targeted Currency

The currency you want displayed in the report. The default is USD.

Aging Bucket Method

Either Staged or Aged based on setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

This table lists some frequently asked questions about the aging reports.



Where can I find these reports?

On the Navigator menu click on the Scheduled Processes work area to schedule and run these reports.

Who uses these reports?

  • Financial Manager

  • Financial Specialist

When do I use these reports?

You can use these reports to:

  • Review aging typically on a daily or weekly basis.

  • Understand the aging and risk exposure of outstanding receivables.

What can I do with these reports?

Use these reports to formulate strategies with task or tasks to collect on outstanding delinquent customers.

What type of reports are these?

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