Promise Reconciliation Report

In Collections Promise Reconciliation Report you can view all the promise details of each collector based on business unit and date range. You can use this report to reconcile promises to pay with broken promises.

This image shows a sample of Collections Promise Reconciliation Report:

This graphic illustrates the Promise Reconciliation Report.

Report Parameters

This table shows all the required parameters for creating Collections Promise Reconciliation Report.



Business Unit

Select the appropriate business unit.

Collector Name

Specify by collector if appropriate.


Select the appropriate currency.

Date From

Starting date range.

Date To

Ending date range

Report Format

Select format such as HTML, PDF, or Excel.

Frequently Asked Questions

This table lists some frequently asked questions about the Collections Promise Reconciliation Report.



Where can I find this report?

On the Navigator menu click on the Scheduled Processes work area to schedule and run these reports.

Who uses this report?

  • Financial Manager

  • Financial Specialist

When do I use this report?

You can use this report to review and keep track of customer promise to pay commitments.

What can I do with this report?

You can track the payment progress of customers who have made promises to pay on their accounts.

What type of report is this?

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher