How Downloading Corporate Card Transaction Files From American Express Are Processed

To download corporate card transaction files from American Express, you must set up Oracle Fusion Expenses to download data files in conjunction with the Upload Corporate Card Transaction File program.


You can only download American Express transaction files.

Settings That Affect Downloading Corporate Card Transaction Files From American Express

Before you can download transaction files from American Express servers, you must set up a Secure File Transfer account with American Express and obtain the user name and password that identifies your customer account on the Secure File Transfer server.

To set up the transaction file transfer parameters for the American Express corporate card program, enter the values in the following table on the Transfer Parameters tab on the Create Corporate Card Program page.



Download Profile Name

Name you enter to identify the download parameters.

Account Name

Name provided by American Express that identifies your customer account.

Account Password

Password for the American Express customer account.

File Name Prefix

File name prefix provided by American Express.


Name of the American Express server to connect to for the transaction file download.


American Express also provides a server at for transaction file transfer testing.

How Downloading Corporate Card Transaction Files From American Express are Processed

After you complete the tasks for corporate card transaction download, you can use the Upload Corporate Card Transaction File program with the profile name as a download parameter to download corporate card transaction files from American Express.


American Express places one or multiple transaction files at a time in a folder called Outbox in your customer account. The Upload Corporate Card Transaction File program, however, processes only one file at a time. The process picks up the oldest file each time. To pick up multiple files, you must schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transaction File process to run multiple times.