Upload VISA, MasterCard, and Diner's Club Corporate Card Transactions Files

Before you can process VISA, MasterCard, and Diner's Club corporate card transaction files, you must set up an HTTPS server, configure the corporate card programs setup, and verify the HTTPS server setup.

Setting Up the HTTPS Server

When you set up the HTTPS server, ensure the following:

  1. Install a web server and enable HTTPS.

    • The server must be externally accessible.

    • The server must have a valid certificate, such as Verisign.

  2. Create the outbox directory on the server.

    • Create a directory on the HTTPS server to receive corporate card transaction files.

    • Secure the directory with a user name and password.

    • Enable the directory so it's visible to external users who have read access.


You must either receive corporate card transaction files directly to the directory from the card issuers or move the transaction files to this directory from an alternate location where the transaction files are initially received.

Configuring the Corporate Card Programs Setup

To configure the corporate card programs setup, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Upload Parameters section on the Create or Edit Corporate Card Programs page, do the following:

    • Create a profile with your server address, user name, and password:

      For example, a server address of Vision.com/outbox represents the path to the directory, Vision.com/outbox, that you created.

    • Enter the full file name of the corporate card transaction file in the File Name Prefix field.


      Use the same file name for all files. You must remove or rename the processed files on the server either manually or automatically after every run.

  2. Schedule the Upload Corporate Card Transaction Files process to automatically pull and process the transaction files.


The Upload Corporate Card Transactions process supports only user name and password-based authentication.

Verifying the HTTPS Server Setup

To verify the HTTPS server setup, perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that the HTTPS server has a valid certificate.

    • In your browser, enter the server address, such as https://Vision.com/outbox.

      If you don't see an error message that indicates an invalid server certificate or an mistrusted server certificate, then the certificate is correctly installed.

  2. Verify that the directory is accessible and secured.

    • After navigating to the server address, such as https://Vision.com/outbox, if you see a login screen, then the directory is accessible and secured.

    • Sign in with user name and password to ensure that the user has access to the outbox directory.