Overview of Payables Negative Supplier Balance Report

This topic includes details about the Payables Negative Supplier Balance Report.

The Payables Negative Supplier Balance Report lists suppliers with negative balances, and the invoices and credit or debit memo transactions, for the balance.

The following figure is an example of the summary page from the report.

The Payables Negative Supplier Balance Report Summary is illustrated in this graphic.

The following figure is an example of the details page from the report.

The Payables Negative Supplier Balance Report Details is illustrated in this graphic.

Key Insights

The report helps identify the list of suppliers with negative balances.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the Payables Negative Supplier Balance Report.



How do I find this report?

From the Reports and Analytics pane, navigate to Shared Folders > Financials > Payables > Invoices.

Who uses this report?

  • Financial Manager

  • Financial Specialist

When do I use this report?

Periodically to identify the list of suppliers with a negative closing balance.

What can I do with this report?

  • Run this report for a business unit and liability account.

  • This report provides information to help you take the appropriate action. For example, the standard invoices for some suppliers might not have been entered, or advance payments were made, but the supplier didn't send the invoice for the expenses incurred.

What type of report is this?

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Related Subject Areas

The summary section of the report uses the Payables Invoices - Trial Balance Real Time subject area. The detailed section of the report uses the Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time subject area.