Payables Subject Areas, Folders, and Attributes

To create real-time analyses for Oracle Fusion Payables, you should be familiar with subject areas, folders, and attributes.

Subject Areas

To create an analysis, you begin by selecting a subject area from which you select columns of information to include in the analysis. For example, to create an analysis of invoice installments, you begin by selecting the Payables Invoices - Installments Real Time subject area. Subject areas are based around a business object or fact. In this example, the subject area is based on columns in the invoice installments tables.

Payables has the following subject areas:

  • Payables Invoices - Installments Real Time

  • Payables Invoices - Prepayment Applications Real Time

  • Payables Invoices - Transactions Real Time

  • Payables Invoices - Trial Balance Real Time

  • Payables Invoices - Withholding Real Time

  • Payables Payments - Disbursements Real Time

  • Payables Payments - Payment History Real Time


Each subject area has one fact folder and a number of dimension folders. Fact folders contain attributes that can be measured, meaning that they're numeric values like available discount and unpaid amount. Dimension folders contain attribute and hierarchical columns like bank account number and due date.

Some folders appear in more than one subject area, such as the Time folder. These folders are referred to as common folders or common dimensions.

Each folder within a subject area may have a different level of granularity. For example:

  • Invoices Installment Details has installment information.

  • Invoice Details has subfolders and details within the subfolders.


Finally, each dimension folder contains attributes (columns), such as invoice date and invoice accounting date. This figure illustrates the structure of subject areas, folders, and facts.

The Payables Invoices - Installments Real Time subject area is illustrated in this graphic.

The preceding figure shows the following components:

  • Subject Area: Payables Invoices - Installments Real Time

  • Dimension - Presentation Folder: Invoices Installments Details

  • Dimension - Attributes: Bank Account Number, Bank Charge Bearer, Check Digits

  • Fact - Presentation Folder: Invoices Installment Amounts

  • Fact - Measures: Discount Available, Gross Amount, Second Discount Available, Third Discount Available, Unpaid Amount