Payment Process Request Template

A payment process request is a group of installments submitted for payment. You can submit a payment process request on the Submit Payment Process Request page. You can also create a template on the Create Payment Process Request Template page and schedule the template to submit the payment process request later.

By using a template, you can:

  • Minimize date entry for frequently used payment processing settings.

  • Identify cash requirements by running the Payables Cash Requirement report against the template before submitting the template for processing.

  • Schedule payment process requests to run on a regular basis. The video Submitting a Scheduled Process is a narrated visual overview of the process. Details on scheduling processes can be found in the topic Submitting Scheduled Processes and Process Sets Procedures.

For each payment process request you can specify:

  • Selection criteria

  • Payment attributes

  • Processing options

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria, such as invoice business unit, payment business unit, and payment priority determine which installments are selected for payment.

This table describes the fields on the Selection Criteria tab on the Submit Payment Process Request and Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template pages.

Selection Criteria


Pay through date

Latest due date for an installment.

Pay from date

Earliest due date for an installment.

From payment priority

Lowest payment priority assigned to an installment.

To payment priority

Highest payment priority assigned to an installment.

Date basis

Basis for the date that affects installment selection and whether to take a discount.

Include zero amount invoices

Include invoices that have a zero amount due.

Pay groups

Invoice categorization for payment. The default setting includes all pay groups, but you can specify one or more pay groups.


Currencies for invoices and payments. The default setting includes all currencies, but you can specify either one or more invoice currencies, or one or more payment currencies.

Business units

Business units for invoices and payments. The default setting includes all business units. If you specify:

  • A payment business unit, the selection process finds installments for the invoice business units that the payment business unit services.

  • An invoice business unit, the selection process finds installments for that invoice business unit.

Legal entities

Legal entity associated with an invoice. The default setting includes all legal entities, but you can specify one or more legal entities.

Supplier type

Supplier classification, such as tax authority or contractor.

Payment method

Method of payment for an installment.

Invoice conversion rate type

Type of rate that converts the invoice currency to the ledger currency.

Supplier or party

Supplier or party on an invoice.

Invoice group

User-defined name assigned to one or more invoices.


If you implemented centralized payment processing, the service provider setup and your business unit access affect the list of values in the Invoice Group field. The invoice groups are from the invoice business units that are serviced by the payment business units that you have access to.


The Party Original System Reference is a unique identifier for the party in the source application. It should be unique for each party. If the same value is used for multiple transactions, the application creates just one party and uses the name from the first row. If an existing Party Original System Reference is used in subsequent batch, then transaction will be created for existing party and the party name will be updated.

Payment Attributes

Specify payment details with attributes, such as payment date and payment process profile.


Payment attributes don't affect installment selection.

Processing Options

The processing options for a payment process request determine the level of automation for that request. For example, you can set options that submit the request through to completion without stopping, or you can stop the request to review selected installments.

This table describes the options on the Processing Options tab on the Submit Payment Process Request and Create or Edit Payment Process Request Template pages.



Apply credits up to zero amount payment

Applies credits and creates a zero amount payment if the sum of the selected installments is negative after the installments are grouped for payment.


If you set this option and bank charges apply, the payment process request rejects the installments because they might reduce the payment amount less than zero.

Review installments

Stops the payment process request after selecting the installments. You can:

  • Review installments

  • Add or remove installments

  • Edit payment and discount amounts

  • Specify user conversion rates

  • Calculate withholding and interest

Review proposed payments

Stops the payment process request after grouping installments into payments and before building the payments.

Create payment files immediately

Creates payment files for the submitted request instead of waiting to combine payments from other requests into payment files.

Validation failure handling for documents

Specifies processing instructions for handling document validation failures.

Validation failure handling for payments

Specifies processing instructions for handling payment validation failures.


If issues arise during payment processing that require your input, the process pauses, regardless of how the processing options are set.