Checking Job Status

You can monitor many activities on the Jobs page. For example, you can check on the execution status of such jobs as Smart Push, and Refresh.


  • You can be notified by email when a launched job is in a state such as completed, in error, or if it involves violation errors or warnings. To set up email notifications, see Setting Up Email for Notifications.

  • You can't cancel or start a job from the Jobs page.

  • Administrators can view all jobs and their status. All other users can view only their own jobs and their status.

  • You can't delete jobs that are processing.

To check the execution status of jobs:

  1. Click Application, and then Jobs.
  2. To filter which jobs display, select any of the following: Job Type, Status, Job Name, Start Time, and End Time, and then click Apply.
  3. Optional: For administrators only: To remove selected jobs from the list and to remove their job records from the database, click Delete.