Setting Your Display Preferences

You can set how you want numbers formatted, how many members to display on the Page drop-down list, how the members are indented, how dates are formatted, and whether consolidation operators display.

  1. On the Home page, click Tools Tools icon on Home page, and then User Preferences icon for User Preferences.
  2. Click Display, and then set your preferences:
    • Under Number Formatting, set how numbers are formatted. Your selections apply to all currencies, in all forms that you have access to. You can't select the same option for the Thousands Separator and the Decimal Separator.

    • Under Page Options, Indentation of Members, set how members are indented on the page and how many items you want listed on the Page drop-down list. If you select Do not indent, the members are displayed as a flat, sequential list. If the Page drop-down list displays so many items that you have to scroll through the list, you may want to let a lower number of items to display in the Number of Items on the Page Drop-down .

    • Under Other Options, set whether to show consolidation operators (for example, Yes, No, or use the Form Setting). Also set the Date Format (for example, dd/MM/yyyy). Selecting Automatically Detect sets the date format based on your browser locale. The format you select is used throughout the user interface, including in reports.

      Also, select an option for Enable User Formulas in Ad Hoc. Selecting Yes allows you to perform calc on the fly without having to submit changes to the database.

  3. Click Save.