Read-Only Dashboard Examples by User

Provided in this topic are examples of read-only dashboards by user. Also provided are recommendations for the information to display in dashboards, the chart types to use, and number of components.

Read-Only Dashboards for Managers and Executives

Managers and Executives are typically decision makers. They expect to see tables and charts that give them clear information. Make sure to include expected details in one dashboard consisting of multiple components.

Table 11-15 Read-Only Dashboard Recommendations for Managers and Executives

Dashboard Content Recommendation

Information to display

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • High-level trends

  • Variances

  • YoY and/or QoQ comparisons

Chart types

Tile, Gauge, Table, Pie/Doughnut, Line/Bar, Geomap, Radar, Waterfall

Number of dashboard components

3 to 6

Example Read-Only Dashboard for Executives and Managers

Read-Only Dashboards for Data Analysts and Interactive Users

Data Analysts and Interactive Users typically perform data analysis and provide insights to senior management for important decisions.

Table 11-16 Read-Only Dashboard Recommendations for Data Analysts and Interactive Users

Dashboard Content Recommendation

Information to display

  • Drill-enabled summary level chart

  • Page-level and chart-level POV switchers to review various data combinations

  • Variances

  • YoY and/or QoQ comparisons

  • Charts with a Master-Detail relationship

Chart types

Tile, Gauge, Table with Spark Chart, Pie/Doughnut, Line/Bar, Geomap, Radar, Waterfall, Bubble, Scatter, Funnel, Pyramid, Grids (with summary data)

Number of dashboard components

3 to 6

Example Read-Only Dashboard for Data Analysts and Interactive Users