Associating Attribute Dimension Members with Dimension Members

The illustrations in this topic are from Oracle Smart View for Office, but the concepts also apply to Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser).

  1. In the tree in the Smart View Panel (Windows) or Smart View Home (Mac and Browser), expand the Dimensions node, and select the dimension to work with.

    In the following example, the Dimensions node shows the standard dimensions in the Vision application along with some custom dimensions such as AltYear and Channel. The Product dimension is selected.

    Smart View Panel showing the folders in the tree for Vision application, along with some custom dimensions. The Product dimension is highlighted for selection, and the Edit Dimension command is at the bottom of the panel.
  2. Select Edit Dimension and note the initial layout of the grid on the sheet.

    In Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser), just click the dimension to import it onto the grid.

    If the attribute dimensions are not displayed on the sheet, then use the Member Selector to add them. In the Planning Ad Hoc ribbon (Windows) or Smart View ribbon (Mac and Browser), select Member Selection, and then add the attribute dimensions.

  3. In the grid, expand the dimension to view its members.
  4. Associate the attribute member values to the dimension members using the cell-based member selector, as shown in Figure D-3.

    Figure D-3 Associating Attribute Values to Dimension Members

    Product dimension shown as a grid in Smart View. The dimensions and members are in the left column, properties in the first row. Attribute dimensions also shown in the first row. A cell-based drop-down member selector is shown for the AttText column, with the choices of Gold, Silver, and Platinum. Several cells in the grid have already been edited and are ready to be submitted.
  5. Repeat the previous step for any other dimension member and attribute value associations you want to define.
  6. At any time, click Submit Data in the Planning Ad Hoc ribbon (Windows) or Submit in the Smart View ribbon (Mac and Browser) to submit your changes to the database.

    You can perform interim submits, or submit all changes at once.