Article Search Question Historical Subject Area

You can use the Article Search Question Historical subject area to report on users' questions and search terms to better understand how customers are finding knowledge base content. You can view search queries in normalized questions well as volume-related information.

Note: Before using this subject area, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Search Aggregation

Dimension Folder



Article Search Question Facts

# of Concept Matches

The number of concepts that matched the search responses. (?)

# of Questions

The number of questions asked.

# of Responses

The number of responses to a search. (?)

# of Unknown Matches

The number of unknown concepts that matched the search responses.

Normalized Question

Concept Terms

Words that are assigned as concepts.

Concept Tokens

The tokens associated with a concept.

A token is a short, easily managed string including alphanumeric characters, spaces, and punctuation.

Department Name

The name of the department.

Normalized Question

A question from which the application has removed case distinctions, spelling errors, punctuation, skipped words, and other elements that may differentiate it from otherwise identical question.

Normalized Question Locale Code

The locale code for a normalized question.

Normalized Question Locale Description

The locale name for a normalized question.

Unknown Terms

Terms not associated with a concept.

This dimension uses straight brackets ([]).

Unknown Tokens

Tokens not associated with a concept.

This dimension uses curly brackets ({}).


Question Text

The text or content of the question.

Request Date


Search Stat Calendar Month

The calendar month of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Calendar Month End Date

The calendar month end date of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Stat Calendar Quarter Start Date

The calendar quarter start date of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Calendar Quarter

The calendar quarter of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Calendar Quarter End Date

The calendar quarter end date of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Calendar Quarter Start Date

The calendar quarter start date of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Calendar Year

The calendar year of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Calendar Year End Date

The calendar year end date of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Calendar Year Start Date

The calendar year start date of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Date

The statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Month

The month of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Quarter

The quarter of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.

Search Stat Year

The year of the statistics (stat) date. This is the date on which the aggregation job was executed, and ratings and other updates captured.