How do I create a user group?

You can create, update, and delete user groups to control access to published knowledge articles.

Note: This answer is applicable to both Fusion Service Knowledge Management with Redwood and Classic User Experience.

You must have the knowledge manager role, or a similar role that includes the Knowledge Setup and Maintenance privilege to create user groups.

  1. Go to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. Select the Service offering and select Knowledge Management.

  3. Select the Manage Knowledge User Groups task.

  4. Select Service from the Department menu and click + to add a new user group.

  5. Enter a unique name and reference key for the user group.

  6. Click Create.
Note: To grant a user access to any content that is assigned to a user group other than EVERYONE, you must assign the user a role that:
  • grants access to the intended department

  • grants access, with a Data Security Policy, to one or more user groups

Define a User Group Data Security Policy in a Role

You must have privileges to access the Security Console to perform these tasks.

You can edit a role to add a data security policy for the user group you have created.

  1. Go to Tools > Security Console > Roles page and locate and open the role that you want to add the user group data security policy to.

  2. Copy the role and go to the Data Security Policies page.

  3. On the Data Security Policies page, click Create Data Security Policy and change the start date if you need to.

  4. Enter a policy name.

  5. Search for and select the database resource for which you're defining the policy, for example, search for Knowledge User Groups.

  6. For Data Set, select Select by key.

  7. Enter the user group reference key in the Select a primary key value field.

  8. In the Actions field, select Access content with User Group.

You can view the new policy on the Data Security Policies page by scrolling to the end of the list of policies. You can accept the default role hierarchy and click Next to continue. The user group data security policy will apply to users who have the role that you updated.

Assign the Updated Role to Additional Users

You can add users to the role that has the new user group data security policy as needed. See the Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience Securing Sales and Fusion Service guide for additional ways of assigning users to roles.

  1. On the Update Role: Users page, click Add User .

  2. In the Add User dialog box, search for and select a user or role.

    • Select a single user to add only that user to the role, then click Add User to Role to add the user.

    • Select a role to add all of users assigned to it, then click Add Selected Users to add them.

  3. Click Submit.

The Create Role: Users page shows the updated role membership.