
A dashboard is a collection of reports and analyses organized to display data in a single view. The prebuilt dashboards are available in the BI catalog. Knowledge Analysts can view prebuilt dashboards and Knowledge Managers can create personalized dashboards.

The information displayed in a dashboard is organized by a set of parameters and metrics. For example, the All Knowledge Breakdown dashboard contains data about all the articles available by products, by categories, by content types, and by locales. You can configure the content on this dashboard (see the Personalize Dashboards topic). You can access dashboards to view analytics for the following types of data:

  • All Knowledge: The reports on these dashboards show analytics for all knowledge transactions.

  • My Knowledge: The reports on these dashboards show analytics for your transactional data.

  • Knowledge Management Views: The reports on this dashboard shows article view metrics.

  • Knowledge Question Analysis: The reports on this dashboard shows analyses of user questions.

When you access the dashboards you may see filters that you select to open a report. These filters let you target specific data for your report.

  • The Date Range filter selects the date range for the report. For example, if you want to view a report with data for the last 30 days, you select the start and end dates for 30 days.

  • The Locale filter selects the locale (language and country) for the report.

  • The Department filter selects the department for the report. Only users that have access to the selected department can see the report. This filter is mandatory.

  • The By Product, By Category, By Content (types) and By Locale filters let you to target specific content metrics data for the All Knowledge dashboards.

The following table lists the prebuilt dashboards and the reports on each dashboard.

Dashboard Name


All Knowledge Breakdown

This dashboard shows the content available in the repository filtered by product, category, content type, and locale. This dashboard has the following reports:

  • The By Product (All Articles By Product) report shows the number of articles listed by product. Click the link in the Article Count column to see the articles.

  • The By Category (All Articles By Category) report shows the number of articles listed by category. Click the link in the Article Count column to see the articles

  • The By Content (All Articles By Content Type) report shows the number of articles listed by content types (such as FAQ). Click the link in the Article Count column to see the articles.

  • The By Locale (All Articles By Locale) report show the number of articles listed by locale. Click the link in the Article Count column to see the articles.

Note: Before using this dashboard, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

All Knowledge By Day

This dashboard shows all the user activity for the last 12 days. This dashboard has the following reports:

  • The All Articles Created report shows the articles created in the last 12 days.

  • The All Articles Updated report shows the articles updated in the last 12 days.

  • The All Articles Published report shows the articles published in the last 12 days.

  • The All Articles Linked report shows the articles linked to service requests in the last 12 days.

Note: Before using this dashboard, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

All Knowledge By Month

This dashboard shows all the user activity for the last 12 months. This dashboard has the following reports:

  • The All Articles Created report shows the articles created in the last 12 months.

  • The All Articles Updated report shows the articles updated in the last 12 months.

  • The All Articles Published report shows the articles published in the last 12 months.

  • The All Articles Linked report shows the articles linked to service requests in the last 12 months.

Note: Before using this dashboard, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

All Knowledge By Week

This dashboard shows all the user activity for the last 12 weeks. This dashboard has the following reports:

  • The All Articles Created report shows the articles created in the last 12 weeks.

  • The All Articles Updated report shows the articles updated in the last 12 weeks.

  • The All Articles Published report shows the articles published in the last 12 weeks.

  • The All Articles Linked report shows the articles linked to service requests in the last 12 weeks.

Note: Before using this dashboard, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

Knowledge Management Views

This dashboard shows the article views metrics. It also shows a list of the most popular articles in the knowledge base. This dashboard has the following reports:

  • The Article View Insights report shows article view metrics.

  • The Top Articles report shows a list of the most popular articles in your knowledge base. You enter the number articles you want to see in the Top field, for example if you want to see the top 20 articles, you enter 20.

  • The Top Products report shows the top article products. You enter the number of products you want to see in the Top field, for example if you want to see the top 20 products associated with articles in the knowledge base, you enter 20

  • The Top Categories report shows the top article products. You enter the number of categories you want to see in the Top field, for example if you want to see the top 20 categories associated with articles in the knowledge base, you enter 20.

  • Knowledge Search Aggregation
  • Knowledge Article View Aggregation

Knowledge Question Analysis

This dashboard shows aggregated information about Knowledge Management search queries. To select reports on this dashboard, you must first select the data range, department, and locale for the reports. This dashboard has the following reports:

  • The Concept Analysis report shows how often concepts show up in end-user searches. It helps you see which concepts are being searched for by end-users most, how often the concept appears in questions and how many answers exist in your knowledge base to address them. Drill down on the Concept token column to show concept synonyms for default concepts or industry specific concepts.

  • The Questions Analysis report shows keywords and phrases end-users searched on. It's useful for analysts to see what words or topics end-users are searching for most often and how many answers exist to address those topics. Drill down on the Question Count column to open the Question Count Drill down that provides question details.

  • The Question Summary report shows search question activity during a time period.

  • The Unknown Word Analysis report shows how often unknown words show up in end-user searches. It helps you see which unknown words customers are searching on, how often they appear in questions and how many answers exist to address them.

  • Knowledge Search Aggregation
  • Knowledge Article View Aggregation

My Knowledge By Day

This dashboard shows the activity that individuals performed in the last 12 days. This dashboard shows the following reports:

  • The Articles Created report shows the articles an author or other individual created in the last 12 days.

  • The Articles Updated report shows the articles an author or other individual updated in the last 12 days.

  • The Articles Published report shows the articles an author or other individual published in the last 12 days.

  • The Links Done By report shows the links an author or other individual created in the last 12 days.

  • The Links Done For report shows the links created for an author or other individual in the last 12 days

Note: Before using this dashboard, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

My Knowledge By Month

This dashboard shows the activity that individuals performed in the last 12 months. This dashboard shows the following reports:

  • The Articles Created report shows the articles an author or other individual created in the last 12 months.

  • The Articles Updated report shows the articles an author or other individual updated in the last 12 months.

  • The Articles Published report shows the articles an author or other individual published in the last 12 months.

  • The Links Done By report shows the links an author or other individual created in the last 12 months.

  • The Links Done For report shows the links created for an author or other individual in the last 12 months.

Note: Before using this dashboard, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

My Knowledge By Week

This dashboard shows the activity that individuals performed in the last 12 weeks. This dashboard shows the following reports:

  • The Articles Created report shows the articles an author or other individual created in the last 12 weeks.

  • The Articles Updated report shows the articles an author or other individual updated in the last 12 weeks.

  • The Articles Published report shows the articles an author or other individual published in the last 12 weeks.

  • The Links Done By report shows the links an author or other individual created in the last 12 weeks.

  • The Links Done For report shows the links created for an author or other individual in the last 12 weeks.

Note: Before using this dashboard, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting