Implement Knowledge in Digital Assistant for HCM

You can configure knowledge management as a skill in Digital Assistant, which makes it available to HCM HR Help Desk users in multiple supported channels, such as SMS, Slack, and messenger applications.

End users can then benefit from Digital Assistant's artificial intelligence-driven conversational engagement while using knowledge to search for and find answers to their questions. You need to have knowledge management configured for HCM HR Help Desk, and Digital Assistant configured for HCM.

The knowledge management skill has four intents: Find Article, Search, Help, and Welcome. When a user enters a phrase, digital assistant checks whether that phrase matches a knowledge management intent. For example, these user phrases match the Find Article intent:

  • find

  • find an article

  • let me see an article

  • look for

  • look up an article

  • retrieve an article

  • show me an article

Digital assistant also uses its training data to extend matching to similar phrases over time. You can also extend digital assistant skills to meet specific business requirements. You can learn more about skills and extending them in the Skills section of the Digital Assistant guide.

When digital assistant matches a user's phrase to Search and Find Article intents, knowledge prompts the user for an access token and provides results based on the user's knowledge privileges. Users who don't have knowledge privileges will see only public articles in their results.