How do I enable features and profile options for chat?

You might need to enable the Omnichannel Routing and Chat features to access the profile options.

Enable Omnichannel Routing and Chat features

To ensure your features are enabled, A user with administration privileges should perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance, and select Service from the Setup offering page.
  2. Click the Change Feature Opt In link.
  3. Highlight the Communication Channels row and click the pencil icon to access the edit view and edit your features.
  4. If the Omnichannel Routing feature isn't enabled, check the Enable field.
  5. If the Chat feature isn't enabled, check the Enable field.
  6. Click Done.

Enable Omnichannel profile options

Once you've confirmed that the Omnichannel and Chat features are enabled, you'll need to configure the following profile options to enable various chat features.
  1. In Functional Setup Manager, select Communication Channels from the Service offering.
  2. In the Show drop-down list, select All Tasks to ensure all Tasks are displayed.
  3. Select the Manage Omnichannel Profile Options task.
  4. View and edit Omnichannel profile options as needed:

Omnichannel Profile options

Profile Option Description Suggested value
SVC_ENABLE_OMNI Enable the sending of work requests to Omnichannel for assignment to an agent. Yes
SVC_OMNICHANNEL_BROWSER_NOTIFICATION_ENA Used to enable real-time browser notifications. Yes
SVC_OMNICHANNEL DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION_ENA Enable toasts messages to view desktop notifications even when you're not actively viewing the application pages. Yes
SVC_OMNI_DISABLE_WORK_ITEM_AVAILABILITY_SELECTION Disables the option for agents to change their availability to handle work items on the Omnichannel toolbar.




Non-Real-Time Work

Enable chat profile options

  1. In Functional Setup Manager, select Communication Channels from the Service offering.
  2. In the Show drop-down list, select All Tasks to ensure all Tasks are displayed.
  3. Select the Manage Chat Profile Options task.
  4. View and edit Chat profile options as needed:

Chat profile options

Profile Option Description Suggested value
SVC_ENABLE_CHAT Enable the Chat feature to make users available for chat and allow them to receive incoming chat requests. Yes

Specify the seconds that lapse before the chat offer notification is automatically dismissed. The default number is 30 but the dismiss interval can be set between 5 and 285 seconds.

SVC_CHAT_TRANSFER_TO_QUEUE_ENABLED Enable transferring to queue for the Chat agent. Yes
ORA_SVC_CHAT_TRANSFER_TO_AGENT_ENABLED Enable transferring to of a chat to another chat agent. Yes
ORA_SVC_CHAT_CONFERENCE_WITH_AGENT_ENABLED Enable a chat conference between agents. Yes
SVC_CHAT_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_ENABLED Enable chat anonymous access for the end users Yes

Set Anonymous Access to No if chat is only used for the Help Desk. If it's being used for other applications, such as Service Center, then it should be set to Yes.

SVC_CHAT_INLAYS_ACCESS_ENABLED Enable access for chat inlays to get the bootstrap configurations. Yes

For more information, see How do I implement Embedded Service?

SVC_CHAT_CKEDITOR_ENABLE Enable the CK Editor for the Chat agent. Yes

Enable MCA profile options

  1. In Functional Setup Manager, select Communication Channels from the Service offering.
  2. In the Show drop-down list, select All Tasks to ensure all Tasks are displayed.
  3. Select the Manage MCA Profile Options task.
  4. View and edit MCA profile options as needed:

MCA profile options

Profile Option Description Suggested value
SVC_MCA_SHOW_CONTACT_ON_WRAP_UP Indicates whether to show the contact information during the wrap up process. Yes

Configure Call Flow Parameters

Use the Configure Call Flow Parameters task to specify whether a contact must be identified and validated or if a screen pop must be displayed. You can also use these settings to specify when and how a call wrap up must be displayed.

  1. In Functional Setup Manager, select Communication Channels from the Service offering.
  2. In the Show drop-down list, select All Tasks to ensure all Tasks are displayed.
  3. Select the Configure Call Flow Parameters task.
  4. View and edit MCA profile options as needed:

Call Flow Parameter option values

Profile Option Description Suggestion value
Contact Required Used to require that a chat must have a contact. Yes
Contact Verification Used to require that a contact of a chat must be verified. Yes
Screen Pop Used to screen pop the appropriate page. Yes
Wrap Up Used to present a Wrap Up page to the agent at the end of a chat. Yes
Note: Oracle strongly recommends enabling wrap ups for chats if you're using Service Center to prevent the transcript from closing at the end of a chat.

Configure optional profile options

Now, you can review or change profile options accessed by performing the following steps. Note that these usually don't need to be changed.

  1. Click the Tasks icon in Functional Setup Manager and select Search.
  2. Type: Manage Global Search Profile Options and click Search.
  3. Select the Manage Global Search Profile Options task.
  4. View and configure the profile options listed in the following table:

Chat profile options

Profile Option Description Suggested value
SVC_OMNI_REINSTATE_WORK_ITEM_AVAILABILITY When returning to the supported modules, it automatically reinstates the non-real-time channel availability groups for work Items on the Omnichannel toolbar.
  • None
  • None-Real-Time Work
SVC_CHAT_IDLE_TIMEOUT The number of seconds after which a chat will be terminated if there's no activity. Zero disables the functionality. Except zero, the minimum value is 300. Default is 600. 600

Profile option that allows administrators to set ADS timeout due to inactivity; this can be increased up to 8 hours (480).

Change the number of minutes of browser inactivity before work assignment offers will end. The minimum default value is 30 minutes, and the maximum value can be up to 480 minutes.
ORA_SVC_OMNI_MARK_UNAVAILABLE_ON_BROWSER_INACTIVITY Enables the system to mark agent unavailable for work after browser inactivity for the duration specified by ORA_SVC_OMNI_BROWSER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT. No
ORA_SVC_QUEUED_REQUEST_DISCARD_SECONDS Specify the queue time if no agents are available. If the value is 0, the chat will stay queued until the customer ends the request. The minimum is 120 and the maximum is 1800. 1800
ORA_SVC_OMNI_AGENT_SESSIONS_COUNT_INTERVAL Change the interval number of minutes to look for other active browser sessions before marking a user offline. The maximum value can be up to 480 minutes. 60
ORA_SVC_MCA_GLOBAL_PRESENCE_ENABLED Decides whether a customer has opted in for global presence across the application.
Note: You can set this profile option at the site level.