What is Embedded Service?

Embedded Service is a syndicated widget that you can deploy on your Digital Customer Service application or any web page through the Engagement Engine single tag.

Embedded Service provides multi-functional help at the point of need and allows you to insert a full support experience in any page with modular components like Search Knowledge, Popular Articles, Top Actions, Create Service Request, Digital Assistant as an Agent and Live Chat with a human agent.

You can configure your Embedded Service widget using the Engagement Engine point-and-click user interface to be consistent with the branding of your site and your service process. Engagement Engine actions can trigger the Embedded Service experience based on one or more conditions regarding visitor or webpage criteria to create a proactive and personalized self-service experience.

Embedded Service natively embeds a modern web chat experience by combining assisted service by a human agent with a self-service chatbot to increase chat automation and put less strain on you human agent teams for recurring questions. The chatbot requires Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) which is an optional add-on.

If you're licensed to use ODA, you can implement it as Digital Assistant as an Agent. This treats your intelligent chatbot as a natural extension to service with its own agent user, bot queue and routing rules. The routing logic for when a chat needs to go to a bot or a live agent is defined in the Fusion Service chat assignment rules. The Digital Assistant is treated as any other human agent and is assigned to a bot queue. The benefit of this Digital Assistant as an Agent is the centralized setup and reporting across queues with a warm hand-over to a human agent. This seamless transfer with full history in the chat transcript guarantees a full 360 view for agents inside the Fusion Service Center. Seamless transfer from the bot to a live Chat Agent can be configured in your Fusion Service deployment and Digital Assistant Skill.