How do I configure profile options for inbound and outbound email?

You can set options for incoming and outgoing emails by configuring email profile options. For example: In the SVC_OUTBOUND_EMAIL_FROM profile option, you can set the From email ID that you use to respond to a customer's email.

Configure the inbound email profile options as specified in the following table.

Inbound Profile Options



Indicates whether inbound emails from customers must be processed automatically by creating or updating an SR. If this option is disabled, only the inbound message object is created, without creating an SR.


Indicates the inbound email IDs that are monitored by the Service application. The email IDs are separated by a comma and are automatically populated during provisioning. You must use the address to set a forwarding rule.

Try to avoid updating these inbound email addresses. If you update these inbound email addresses for some reason, you must complete the following steps:
  • Update the corresponding forwarding rule.
  • Ensure that you register the updated inbound email addresses as access points for inbound email.


Enables the display of images inline within the SR messages in the UI.

The default value is Yes.


Indicates the maximum size in MB of attachments that are allowed in an inbound email.

The default value is 10 MB.

Here are some key points to note:
  • The recommended maximum limit for the email size is 15 MB. Email size includes email headers, attachments, and the email content.
    Note: You can increase the size of the attachments past 15 MB, but this isn't recommended as it might cause server issues
  • If an email contains non text content or attachments, that gets base64 encoded, and this can increase the overall size of the email. So when your users send emails that exceed a total size of 15 MB, such emails aren't processed by the server.


Indicates the number of emails that can be processed at a given time. This is the maximum number of emails retrieved by every run of the Retrieve Inbound Email Messages scheduled process.

The default value is 10.


Indicates whether an SR must be created for emails sent by unknown customers.


Indicates whether an acknowledgment must be sent for an incoming email.

If you prefer not to have emails sent when SRs are created, disable this profile option.

To disable it, use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in Setup and Maintenance. Search for the SVC_ENABLE_INBOUND_EMAIL_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT profile option, and then set the profile value to No.


Specifies the maximum number of emails to be sent to one user within a specific time interval. This time interval is specified in the SVC_INBOUND_ACK_EMAIL_TIME_INTERVAL profile option.

The default value is 3.


Let's say you don't want to use this feature, and you want to send an acknowledgment email for every email received from a user. In that case, you can set this profile option to a high value such as 100. It's a good idea to simultaneously set the SVC_INBOUND_ACK_EMAIL_TIME_INTERVAL profile option to a low value such as 5 minutes.

This profile option also helps to prevent the creation of infinite email loops.


Specifies the time interval for which the limit check is applied for the maximum number of emails to be sent to a user.

This means that only the maximum number of emails specified in the SVC_INBOUND_ACK_EMAIL_LIMIT_PER_USER profile option can be sent to one user in this time interval.

The default value is 60 minutes.


Let's say you don't want to use this feature, and you want to send an acknowledgment email for every email received from a user. In that case, you can set this profile option to a low value such as 5 minutes. It's a good idea to simultaneously set the SVC_INBOUND_ACK_EMAIL_LIMIT_PER_USER profile option to a high value such as 100.

This profile option also helps to prevent the creation of infinite email loops.


Specifies the email patterns that must be blocked, so that the application stops sending acknowledgment emails to email addresses having those patterns. The default email pattern is postmaster@.*


Enables the automatic processing of inbound messages that weren't processed earlier because of internal issues.

The default value is Yes.

To stop the retrieval of unprocessed messages at any time, you can set the value to No.


Enables the agents to see the images or attachments from the first email received on an SR in both the SR header and the SR message.

The default value is No.


Enables viewing of images and logos inline within the body of the SR message, but the inline images aren't captured as regular SR attachments. The default value is No.

When it's set to Yes:

  • Documents received as attachments to inbound emails are included in the SR attachments.

  • Images such as logos in the sender's signature and inline images aren't included in the SR attachments.


When you set this value to Yes, the ORA_SVC_ADD_FIRST_ATTACHMENT_TO_SR_MESSAGE profile option is automatically set to Yes.


Specifies the number of days before the current date when the failed inbound messages are to be reprocessed.

The default value is 1.


Enables the reprocessing of unprocessed inbound emails from the past.

The default value is No.

When it's enabled, reprocessing starts from the last point where the processing stopped earlier.


Enables you to choose whether to add the sender and recipients of inbound emails as an SR contact or SR team member. For a new SR, the recipients in the To or Cc lists are added as SR contacts or SR team members, if their email IDs exist as valid party records in the application. For a reply email to an existing SR, the sender and the contacts or team members in the To or Cc lists are added as SR contacts or SR team members if they don’t already exist in the SR.

The default value is Yes.

When you set the value to No, the sender and recipients of inbound emails aren’t added to the SR.
Note: The sender of the first email is always added as the primary contact on the SR, irrespective of the value of this profile option.
ORA_SVC_UNREGISTER_INBOUND_ACCESS_POINT Specifies whether to make the Unregister button available. The default value is No. When it’s set to the default value, the Unregister button isn’t available. This setting helps to prevent unregistering of access points accidentally.

Only when you specifically need to unregister an access point, you can change the value to Yes so that the Unregister button is available. After unregistering the access point, you can set the value of this profile option back to No.

ORA_SVC_INBOUND_REPROCESSING_OFFSET_IN_MINUTES Used to reprocess inbound emails when it fails to create customer message on the SR. The default value of this profile option is set to 120 (2 hours). After this duration, the reprocessing logic will try to create customer message again on the SR.
SVC_INBOUND_EMAIL_REGEX_TO_EXTRACT_SR_NUMBER Used to create and send a new message for an existing SR.
Note: If the default value can't extract the SR number from the inbound email body, then try adding an extra # to the default value.
ORA_SVC_INBOUND_MSG_EXCHANGE_ONLINE_BATCH_SIZE Specify the maximum number of inbound messages to read from Microsoft Exchange online in one ESS Job iteration.

The default value is 10

The maximum value is: 200

ORA_SVC_INBOUND_MSG_EXCHANGE_ONLINE_FETCH_SIZE_PER_BATCH Specify the maximum number of inbound messages to be processed from Microsoft Exchange online in one subset of a batch.

The default value is 10

The maximum value is: 20

ORA_SVC_INBOUND_MSG_EXCHANGE_ONLINE_DELETE_SIZE Specify the maximum number of inbound messages to be deleted from Microsoft Exchange online in one subset of a batch.

The default value is 10

The maximum value is: 20

Configure the outbound profile options for Service as specified in the following table.

Outbound Profile Options



Indicates the From email that's used for sending outbound emails to customers. The default value is You must set the value to the no reply address for your company to prevent auto-replies from creating unintended SRs.

This profile option can have the no reply email address with or without the display name. Example without display name: Example with display name: Acme Support <>. If the profile option value doesn't contain a display name, the display name of the email channel is used in the From address.

Let's say you set the value of this profile option as your support email ID such as If your From email address isn't displayed in your email received by your customer, then you'd receive a verification email at You must follow the instructions in that email to verify the account. If you don't have access to the inbox for, then you must do one of the following:
  • Contact Oracle support to get your email account verified.
  • Set the value of this profile option to another valid email address that you can access. Now when you send your first email to a customer, you receive a verification email. You must click the confirmation link in the email to complete the verification.


Indicates the email template name for SR messages of type Forward.


Indicates the email template name for SR messages of type Response.


Indicates the template name for SR messages of type System Response.


Indicates the maximum permitted total size in MB of all the attachments in an outbound email that's sent from the Service application. Oracle recommends keeping this value less than or equal to 10 MB.

The default value is 10 MB.

Here are some key points to note:
  • The maximum limit for the email size is 15 MB. Emails greater than 15 MB in size aren't processed by the email server. Email size includes email headers, attachments, and the email content. If an email contains non text content or attachments, that gets base64 encoded, and this can increase the overall size of the email.

  • Use this profile option to restrict the email attachment size such that the total email size doesn't exceed 15 MB.


Indicates whether an acknowledgment must be sent to users both in the To and Cc lists for every inbound email that's received.


Indicates whether the deep links to KM articles are enabled in outbound emails and email previews. When the deep links are enabled, this helps to translate and populate the complete URL to view the articles.

ORA_SVC_ENABLE_RESOURCE_NAME_USAGE_IN_OUTBOUND Enables the use of the resource name as the sender name in outbound emails.

The default value is No.

ORA_SVC_ENABLE_RESOURCE_EMAIL_USAGE_IN_OUTBOUND Enables the use of the resource email as the sender email in outbound emails.

The default value is No.

ORA_SVC_ENABLE_INLINE_ATTACHMENTS_IN_OUTBOUND_EMAIL This profile option only impacts inline attachments, not regular attachments.

To configure email profile options:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Communication Channels

    • Task: Manage Inbound Email Profile Options, or Manage Outbound Email Profile Options

  2. Click the name of the profile option to be set.

  3. In the Manage Email Profile Options page, in the Profile Values section, click the plus icon to add a value.

  4. Click Save.

Note: Alternatively, you can click the Manage Email Profile Options task to display the Email Profile Options page. On this page, you can view the list of all inbound and outbound email profile options and set their values. You can also search for a specific profile option code using the search bar.