Dynamic Forms That You Can Extend

As described in the preceding topic, the Case Management UI is highly extensible. This topic gives you an overview of what layouts in the Case Management UI then you can extend using Visual Builder Studio.

The following two tables list many of the dynamic forms that you can configure, and many of the dynamic tables, used for , that you can extend.

Let's first look at the Create Case layout:

The Create Case page

Now lets look at the different extensible layouts from the Cases page.

The extensible elements of the Case page.

  • The Contact detail

    • View Case Contact Expanded Layout which is where you can designate the contact as primary.

    • View Case Contact Expanded Layout which is where you can designate the contact as primary.

  • Team Members Collapsed Layout. Click the team member name to view the additional layout.

    The Team Members layout.

  • Case Details (Edit Mode)

    Case Details layout.

  • Case Details Summary (View Mode)
  • Case Details

    The Case Details layout.

  • Case History (Read Only)

    The Case History UI